How will Twitter change with Elon Musk

How will Twitter change with Elon Musk?

by Lorenzo Nicolao

Possible revolution for the Chirps social network. The billionaire’s first moves between the possible return of Donald Trump, the edit button, the issues of censorship and privacy, growth and earnings prospects

First the control of the tweets because of the influence they could have on the market, then the intolerance and the temptation to create another platform, finally the rise and eventual purchase of the social network. After falling in love and the differences of opinion, the marriage proposal finally comes about. This is how we could summarize the recent events that have shaped the relationship between Tesla and Space X founder and CEO Elon Musk and Twitter, the social platform on which the South African billionaire prefers to share his thoughts. Given the platform’s lack of subscriber growth, the difficulties in the stock market and a review of the tweets that the entrepreneur has flagged as violating freedom of expression, the purchase offer has finally met with a positive response from the top management of the company. Twitter will be part of Musk, a move well beyond just serving on the board of directors, but what will the visionary businessman’s first steps be? Plenty of leads have already been hinted at by some of the entrepreneur’s recent statements, but now his preferences can be translated into decisions that directly impact the future of the newly acquired $44 billion social network.

The expected moves

Musk has always seen Twitter as an arena for offering maximum freedom of speech, ideally a very nice prospect but one that actually faces some challenges. Above all, the decisions made in the past towards former US President Donald Trump. Following its removal, the entrepreneur had recreated his own space on his own social network, unsurprisingly named “Truth.” After the events of January 6th with the uprising on Capitol Hill, Trump’s reinstatement remains questionable, but it is precisely from his figure that it will be possible to understand the direction Musk wants to take, if it is compatible with his principles or more realistic View Current Circumstances. The former White House tenant is not even expected to be ready to return. The challenges posed by censorship, most recently at the expense of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, should not be underestimated, whether it be applying it in the case of terrorist activities, disinformation from illiberal governments and anti-vax groups, or eliminating it altogether in the exchange of controversial opinions and behaviors. Adding to the lifting of other possible restrictions is Musk’s premise that he doesn’t want to use Twitter as a new revenue stream, but simply as a return to civilization from a freedom of information perspective. The buying process will take at least a few weeks, if not months, but a first concrete sign of the new leadership could be the introduction of the much-discussed edit button, for subsequent modification of the tweets already published, even with the specifications Father Tesla had publicly highlighted. In his poll on the platform, 73% of users who answered the question said they were in favour. What fate of user data and private communications? A hot topic for big tech in terms of privacy that Musk can’t help but address, such as that of the platform’s transparency. For a further privatized reality in the hands of a single authority, all these points are not insignificant.

Jack Dorsey’s blessing

Despite all the concerns, a clear sign of approval comes from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, who immediately approved the purchase of Musk’s company. Dorsey opened the thread with all his impressions with a link to a Radiohead song called “Everything in Its Place” and expressed great confidence. I love Twitter and Twitter is the closest thing to what we might call global consciousness. Taking it back from Wall Street is a first concrete step to protect it. Musk is the only solution I trust right now — he continues — because he wants to create a platform that’s really comprehensive, going in the right direction. divided opinion by current CEO Parag Agrawal, a decision they wholeheartedly believe in and which is increasingly stimulating genuine public conversation. Speaking to employees, Agrawal instead said there are currently no plans to reduce the workforce and no major changes are expected until the deal is finalized.

Beijing rejects speculation

Regarding the impact of the news, the Chinese government itself weighed in on the discussion, responding to allegations that Beijing could affect the platform Musk just bought in the near future. Rumors of possible conditioning circulated due to an alleged dependency on Tesla’s Shanghai plant, but the same Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, when asked directly, added that there was no factual basis. Guess but there is no match for your speculation. Doubts were raised because about half of the electric cars Tesla sells worldwide are currently produced in China, particularly at the large plant in the Chinese megacity.

The London Warning

The takeover of Twitter under the scrutiny of many governments. The British-led group led by Boris Johnson has issued a warning to keep social network users (and their safety) safe. Regardless of who owns it – said a Downing Street spokesman – all social media must be accountable, including protecting users. It’s still too early to tell if there will be any changes to how Twitter works, Johnson’s spokesman added, but assured that the prime minister currently intends to continue using the platform.

April 26, 2022 (Change April 26, 2022 | 15:03)