Human Shields Estadão

Back in 2015, Bassem Eid, a human rights activist and Palestinian dissident, stated: “Hamas was the one that forced three wars on Gaza. “In every country, governments use their missiles and rockets to protect their people, but Hamas has done the opposite and used their people to protect their rockets and missiles” (by Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy, I Have Never Been Alone) . The Palestinians are becoming instruments of a terrorist organization aimed at the destruction of their first enemy, Israel and the Jews, with the intention of later turning against other religions, especially Christians, and Western values ​​in general.

The high number of civilian casualties among Gaza's population can therefore be better understood when one considers that terrorists themselves blur any distinction between civilians and military in statistics and military deaths are not counted. Instead, they strive to produce as many civilian casualties as possible, knowing the impact these deaths have on public opinion in the West, with the aim of inflicting media damage on their main enemy. They despise the West, but they use that same West to undermine it from within. Note the role they achieved in American universities and in their imitations among us, in actually advocating the destruction of what were considered Western human rights. The West is digging its own grave.

Note that Israel protects its civilians by building underground bunkers and attempting to protect them from rockets and missiles while sending its soldiers to war in daylight and in the darkness of night. Officers march ahead to make a signal. Hamas, in turn, hides its terrorists in underground bunkers, a kind of hidden second city where they can enjoy all the amenities. They are fleeing the direct confrontation that is now known as “urban war.” So the Palestinians are not only left to their own devices, but also serve as window dressing to attract the sympathy of democratic countries. They deride democracy as Western, but do not miss the opportunity to undermine it.

The use of hospitals as places of terror, coupled with the underground of violence, is another example of how the appreciation of life has been replaced by the cult of death. However, the instrumentalization here was successful, because in the eyes of part of Western public opinion, Israel would be responsible for the destruction. Hamas achieves its goals by making the use of hospitals as military instruments a war crime in defense of human rights.

The Palestinians in Gaza are poor; the terrorists, rich. There are abundant resources for the construction of large underground rooms, for rocket and rocket fire, for weapons and ammunition. There are billions of dollars that have been funneled over the years into activities aimed at the death cult, the main sources of which are Qatar and Iran, as well as Western countries whose humanitarian resources are diverted in this way. The ultimate paradox of Western democracies: playing into the hands of terrorism and at the same time blaming Israel for the lack of humanitarian aid. The use of the word “humanitarian” serves a variety of purposes, including concealing truly inhumane actions by terrorists.

The doctrine of human rights played a fundamental role in the process of dissolution of the communist regime. It was Soviet dissidents who enforced the 1975 Helsinki Accords, using a document signed by the communists themselves to expose them. They were led by Andrei Sakharov, the regime's most important nuclear physicist at the time and the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. And Sakharov had among his most important collaborators a young scientist, Natan Sharansky, who gave up his academic and research activities to devote himself to the fight for human rights and the right of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel Gulag served time.

It should be noted that the doctrine of human rights, emphasized in its universal and Western value without any contradiction therein, has become an important means of combating communism and the left. Humanity was elevated to a civilizing principle in the noblest moral sense, with its antipodes on the left. Currently, human rights are being coopted by a left that in reality condemns them as a mere tool of Western domination and something specific to a particular civilization. In its place comes the equality of civilizations, everything becomes relative, except the right of terrorists to establish their own caliphate.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is the antiSemitic sermon for the annihilation of the Jews, supported by a Western left that has abandoned the once universal principles of Marx.
