Hungry dirty and without decent clothing English students are victims

Hungry, dirty and without decent clothing: English students are victims of the skyrocketing cost of living

Hungry dirty and without decent clothing English students are victims

They show up at school divided staineddirty hair and without having washed Teeth. A humiliating condition hygienic poverty what affects the spiritual well-being and emotional nature of these British students, and which is not laziness and negligence, but which hides poorly Poverty, the economic one that burdens their families. More and more teachers are witnessing this scenario in the classroom, the litmus test for a growing phenomenon known as “hygiene poverty.” The top of theiceberg the current crisis of high cost of living kingdom United.

Defining hygienic poverty as the condition of those faced with the choice of heating their homes, pay the bills, buying groceries or taking care of personal hygiene is the non-profit organization The Hygiene Bank. Their survey, conducted in 500 schools in the Kingdom, shows that the 72% of school staff noticed an increase in hygienic poverty among the students last year and 71% expect the level to continue increase also in this first quarter, impacting students’ learning and self-esteem. Over half of them Teacher reported that children who do not take care of their hygiene are isolated from class, according to 50% negative impact on their mental health, while 26% of respondents say that hygienic poverty affects their health Absences schools.

When washing becomes a luxury
Not all teachers are helpless, some reveal that wash at home Others provide uniforms and physical education uniforms for the neediest students cleaning supplies to families who cannot afford to buy cleaning products or own a washing machine. “Sanitation poverty is associated with extremely high levels of hygiene deprivation because families have difficulty managing the cost of goods, e.g Washing machinesEnergy bills and Clothing. “Many schools try to help children discreetly by washing their clothes and providing clothing for their uniforms,” he commented to the Guardian Julie McCullochDirector of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL).

Nine out of ten schools in England They feel forced to support families financially. food packages, Groceries for breakfast, vouchers, clothing, toothbrushes, etc toothpastes. Basic needs that families cannot afford fifth world power like Great Britain. This is according to research by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), which found that over 80% of English school leaders reported this Press Due to the high cost of living crisis, both the number of children in need of assistance and the type of support some children require have increased without wheelchairs And walker.

“The cost of living crisis is having a profound impact on students And Familys: Schools are providing an unprecedented level of emergency support to students coming to school hungryor cannot afford the cost of uniforms or transport – he said Jenna JuliusResearch Director of NFER – if they don’t get caught Measures There is an urgent risk that the crisis will have lasting effects students“. Hygienic poverty is one of the most noticeable consequences Inflation spiral and the high cost of living crisis, which has left the UK in a worse position than other G7 countries. A terrible year forBritish economy The rise in food prices of up to 19%, labor shortages and the energy crisis have kept pressure on inflation rates, which have even risen to over 11%. Data keeping the Prime Minister awake Rishi Sunak with a view to the 2024 political elections, in which the poverty map promises to be decisive Urnseasy to handle opposites to give the 12 years the predicted defeat conservative to the governmentwith Labor returning Downing Street.

“Inflation is falling rapidly, we are already at 7% and the trend continues decreasing. The Prime Minister’s aim is to halve inflation by the end of the year, and forecasts suggest that inflation will be halved by the end of the year Bank of England They suggest that he could do it, but the game is not over yet – he explains Adam Corlettthe organization’s chief economist Resolution Foundation – Grants to help less wealthy families high cost of living They were very useful but will be phased out in 2024. Working benefits are expected to rise in line with inflation from April next year, an increase of around 7%, but looking ahead Conditions realGiven the taxes, government support will actually play a role reduce of 13% of the purchasing power of the less wealthy. So there are some encouraging signs on the inflation and wage increases front, but my point is that the high cost of living crisis is not over yet Family units low income”.

The high cost of living exacerbates the electoral atmosphere
The state of the economy and the state of the cost of living are the greater Issue the public, with 3 in 10 people admitting i own savings to cover that Current expenses and one in four say they struggle financially with everyday expenses. Data from the statistics guide, Ipsos, heating up the election atmosphere. The finger mainly points to the Government Three out of four people do not believe Sunak has handled the crisis well high cost of living. “One of the most significant statistics comes from 1998 – he tells Kelly beaver Chief Executive of Ipsos – then when we asked how they saw the country becoming one, 24% said it was becoming one better place to live, the 40% that kept getting worse. When the same question is asked today, 6% of respondents think the country is doing well improve compared to 76% who say it is getting worse. So the public is very discouraged, e.g. b Familys To low income They do not believe that news of rising inflation will affect their purchasing power. And that in view of Choose it changes the narrative and framework of Landscape Choice“.

There Election campaign It is played without limits. Ipsos already identifies the Propensity to vote: “The older part of the population who owns their own home (and therefore does not have to pay mortgages). dizziness) will be biased against conservatives out of pride Sunak which will ultimately boast of having tamed inflation. Instead, Labor will ride the waveSocial inequality which has been reinforced by the Tory Government with the new Minister for Levelling, Angela Rainer, making it the focus of its campaign in the disputed areas. The gap is 17% of voters who have a mortgage and 27% of voters who rent.”

Ultimately, however, Beaver reveals what that is trend decisive: “Whether you think that the Conservatives have done well or badly, or that the Work They could do good or bad to the government, the fact is that two thirds of the population want to vote for one change. That is a indicator criticPeople want change, which doesn’t mean they’re madly in love with it Work. The public seems to trust Labor more, but that’s true neutral when asked whether they will be able to manage taxes and the economy better. And in the middle there are a lot of undecided people, so both parties You still have to work hard on the issues that really matter Great public“.