Hunter Biden and the Biolabs in Ukraine a snowball

Hunter Biden and the Biolabs in Ukraine, a snowball?

There is evidence of Hunter Biden with his hands in Ukrainian laboratories

For some, the president’s descendant’s “soap opera” is far from over, and according to CNN, a federal investigation into him is gaining momentum as new details about his overseas dealings surface.

Potential charges for Hunter Biden and his associates could include tax evasion, money laundering, or violating foreign lobbying laws and even gun laws, since a firearm he bought was dumped in a Delaware dumpster, he reminded the TV station.

All of this, of course, is anything but favorable for Papa Biden, who as president is currently struggling with falling approval ratings nearly seven months before the midterm elections, which could result in significant losses for his party, the Democrats, in Congress.

Conservative Fox News aired an episode of Tucker Carlson Today in which the host revealed the show had access to a number of documents confirming that the US government was funding biological laboratories in Ukraine.

The filing, which would have been made available by a former senior Washington official, argued that the White House, through the Department of Defense, allocated resources to investigate certain “deadly pathogens” on Ukrainian territory.

According to Fox, some of the files are dated between 2007 and 2008, detailing that the Pentagon approved the development of a “multiple pathogen mapping project” to, among other things, “obtain the molecular signatures of pathogens endemic to Ukraine and to transport the tribes”. .

Tucker Carlson also said his assistants also received certain documents from Ukrainian authorities that list 30 biological laboratories located in that country and funded by the US Department of Defense.

For its part, the British newspaper Daily Mail assured that “Hunter Biden was involved in the financing of a company in Ukraine specializing in research into dangerous pathogens”.

The reports would support Russia’s previous claims on the matter.

This Thursday, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported that it had Hunter Biden’s correspondence confirming his important financial connection to Ukraine’s military bio-laboratories.

The head of the Russian Armed Forces’ radiological, chemical and biological defense forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, assured that the documents prove his ties with employees of the Defense Ministry’s Threat Reduction Agency and its contractors in this European country.

It’s getting hot, the media comment, and no doubt that’s not a good thing for the current Oval Office boss.

Both of Biden’s immediate predecessors in the White House suffered negative poll numbers on the eve of their first midterm elections, and both saw their party lose control of the House of Representatives.

In November 2010, Barack Obama’s approval rating plummeted as Republicans seized a powerful Tea Party-led red wave to turn the house.

The Democrats fear what could happen to their narrow majorities on Capitol Hill in November.
