I Fulfilled My Husbands Threesome Dream — As A 40th

I Fulfilled My Husband’s Threesome Dream — As A 40th Birthday Gift — New York Post

Sex & Relationships

May 12, 2023 | 11:13 a.m

Good things come in threes.

Acclaimed author Pamela Druckerman has shared sordid details about the threesome she had with her husband for his 40th birthday.

The Paris-based writer, 53, made the ménage-à-trois confession in her bestseller There Are No Grown-Ups: A Midlife Coming-of-Age Story, which was adapted into a Chron column on Thursday .

Druckerman is married to author Simon Kuper (53), with whom she has three children. According to your new book, the couple’s threesome took place in 2009, when Kuper celebrated his milestone birthday.

“For his 40th, I decide to buy him a vintage watch,” Druckerman revealed in her column about the rendezvous. “But when I mention the watch, he says he doesn’t really want a good, he wants a service: a threesome with me and another woman.”

“I always dismissed it with an eye roll and an ‘In your dreams.’ “

Although the author previously found the idea “unappealing,” he reconsidered, stating, “I’m sorry that at 40 he’s being forced to sleep with the same woman (me) for the rest of his life. “I like what the threesome means: that we’re not silently slipping into middle age.”

Druckerman then went in search of a woman to fit her and her husband in the bedroom, believing that “the ideal woman would be a sexy acquaintance.”

Pamela Druckerman has revealed sordid details about the threesome she had with her husband for his 40th birthday. ABC Although the author previously found the idea “unattractive,” she reconsidered when her husband had one for his 40th birthday Threesome bat. Shutterstock

However, the perverse pursuit encountered obstacles, and a “friend of a friend” turned down the proposal.

“Planning the threesome has become another of the administrative tasks I do in our marriage,” Druckerman wrote.

However, the intrepid author was undeterred and wanted to give her spouse the unusual 40th birthday present of his dreams.

“Meanwhile I notice women everywhere: browsing in shoe shops; in queues at the supermarket. I even search my book group — middle-aged women who enjoy reading about the Holocaust — for candidates,” she cheekily explained.

However, unable to find a suitable woman in real life, Druckerman turned to the Internet, where she found the perfect woman.

“N claims to be a straight divorced mother in her late 40s,” she wrote of the woman she began emailing with.

Druckerman then embarked on a quest to find a woman to join her and her husband in the bedroom, convinced that “the ideal woman would be a sexy acquaintance.” Pamela Druckerman/Facebook Druckerman is married to author Simon Kuper, 53, with whom she shares three children. Simon Kuper/Twitter

Druckerman and the woman later met in person, with the author describing the potential bed mate as “a pretty, slim brunette with a kind face.”

After several meetings, the author asked N. to have sex with her and her husband – and she agreed.

“We’re planning the threesome for a week later, around lunchtime, in the small apartment my husband uses for his office,” Druckerman explained.

In the column, the amorous author didn’t hold back in describing the erotic encounter, saying her husband immediately became affectionate to N from the moment they all undressed.

“A threesome is so, well, sexual,” Druckerman explained. “I was so focused on the organization and catering that I almost forgot we were going to be naked.”

“A threesome is so, well, sexual,” Druckerman explained. “I was so focused on the organization and catering that I almost forgot we were going to be naked.” Shutterstock

While Druckerman claimed there was a lot of “moaning” between the three, she insisted that overall it was a “polite” encounter.

“After about 40 minutes I had enough,” she said. “I wonder if I could maybe check my email. N is quite beautiful, but seeing versions of my own female body parts on her feels too familiar. I realize that what fascinates me most about men is that their bodies are different.”

The author added that her horny husband and N continued to have sex for about 20 minutes.

“Eventually they get tired,” Druckerman recalled in the column. “There’s a sweet moment at the end when the three of us lay under the covers together with the birthday boy in the middle. He’s beaming. I will later receive a series of heartfelt thank you letters saying it was as good as he had hoped.”

While Druckerman claimed there was a lot of “moaning” between the three, she insisted that overall it was a “polite” encounter. Shutterstock

Meanwhile, N was also happy with the experience and even suggested the pair have a second threesome.

“I’m flattered, but I have no intention of doing so,” Druckerman wrote. “It’s my birthday soon and I think I’d like a watch.”

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