I liked it better the confession of the Russian soldier

“I liked it better”: the confession of the Russian soldier

In interviews with the international press, some Russian soldiers show that they still have some selflove and are objective and objective. Who knows what Putin thinks and what will happen to them when they return home. In this case, we’re not talking about all the interceptions of a tired, exhausted army that has sabotaged some operations and mutilated itself to avoid fighting. In this case there are the clear statements of Vladislav, the 18yearold student shouted at the front. Now it has become soldierand to the LaPresse mics he empties the sack with the healthy naivety of someone who is obviously untrained to lie.

“I thought it would be better…”

“What can I say, they called me to go to war. I received a call from school to go to the recruiting station,” explains the boy in the video published by Repubblica. “I wasn’t hiding, I came alone, voluntarily,” he adds. All around you can see two Russian soldiers huddled together smoking a cigarette and chatting with each other. Vladislav, still smiling, gets to the point and explains what he has never heard before from a Russian interviewed by Westerners. “I thought it was better, I thought it was more fast“: here it is the selfevident, obvious words that will go around the world. However, if we think about it, it is the discovery of the hot water: we all know exactly what will happen from February 24th. just to hear, that it is of direct interest has a certain effect.

Praise to the Ukrainians

“Everything goes slowly, Ukrainians are fighters getting ready. NATO trained them well. Imagine if Putin were witnessing this short interview, whatever might be going through his mind, better not. Vladislav, who is not afraid to voice his thoughts in the democracy of 2022, has made a better analysis than any veteran wartime commander who has done it. Behind gossip and words perhaps hides an evil fate. LaPresse’s exclusive video then shows stockpiles of ammunition being entrusted to one of the Russian tanks: scenes in which the letter Z moves with armored vehicles and others in which the letter Z moves Soldiers chatting under a tree in the first warmth of spring. All around, however, a devastation of houses destroyed by the occupiers (we are near Mariupol).

Nothing remains: gunshots in the distance, explosions, a squad of men move in front of the camera and then run somewhere. Like every moment of this war, everything is very sad, but the words of the young soldier Vladislav at least ignite one Hope irrational: that the conflict can end overnight if there is agreement or a glimmer of sanity among those who have chosen to wreak this havoc, which has already gone down in history as a war crime.