I preserved my ovarian tissue.webp

“I preserved my ovarian tissue”

For an exclusive interview with Vanity Fair, singer-turned-actress Emma Marrone confides in motherhood and the concept of a single mother in Italy for the release of the documentary Sbagliata Ascendente Leone.

The famous singer, who made her debut with the program “Amici di Maria De Filippi” and then became a popular national star, has always excelled tenacity and determination also and especially with regard to the women’s rights and matters relating to them body. Often victim of body shaming of journalists with dubious taste, the subject has always been close to her heart: the same applies to the fight against the gender violencefor what Brown She fought to the sound of the music on the stage of Una Senza Centomila along with their other colleagues. Today in an exclusive interview for vanity fair, Emma Brown shows a different side of himself and reveals his position on the subject mothers who decide to become one themselves and who is still very delicate in Italy.

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I preserved my ovarian tissue.webp

Conceive a child alone in Italy

“We are not free to manage our bodies and that is force“, it begins Emma, pronounced. “We live in a country where a woman has to go abroad alone to have a child assisted fertilization it is not intended. You cannot go to your gynecologist to ask for donor sperm because you want a child. Not even when you’re forty and you know full well that you won’t find the love of your life anytime soon. How many women do they lose fertility at 40 with leukemia and there is no doctor to explain it to them store eggs? And what do they answer you? If God doesn’t want it, then it’s not good. But why do I have to go to Spain to do this thing e.g can’t i do it in my country?

Emma: “I kept my ovarian tissue”

The singer then talks about her very personal experiences with the Desire for motherhood:I kept the ovarian tissue. I am fascinated by these topics because I know many women who have had to move abroad to father a child themselves. Why do we have to be forced here to have a child with only one man? So in Italy a man studies and can reach a position of power, a woman works twice as hard and is challenged on her first childbirth. It’s, I repeat, violence.” This is also the opinion of other show business personalities who have confided in their followers about their experiences, such as Bianca Balti who decided to freeze her eggs.

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The Documentary Wrong Leo Ascending

Who knows if these rather private pages of Emma Brown they will also be featured in the documentary “False Leo Ascendant”Available from November 29 on Prime Video. The documentary film, which was in great demand by the artist herself, was presented at the Rome Film Festival and according to what was announced and seen in the trailer, it will be an opportunity to show himself with the sincerity to his fans behind the scenes of life on stage (and not) and openness which she has always distinguished and for which she is particularly loved. But not only security, on the contrary: also fragility and fears, doubts and doubts, which bring us even closer together because we feel the same way.

Alice Michelon

She has a degree in Arts, Entertainment and Cultural Events from the IULM University of Milan and is pursuing a Masters in Storytelling Arts. Passionate about storytelling in all its forms, from narrative to…