1691767358 I salute you bitch by Lea Clermont Dion will be presented

“I salute you bitch” by Léa Clermont-Dion will be presented in France from October 4th

The documentary film Hail Bitch: Misogyny in the Digital Age by Léa Clermont-Dion and Guylaine Maroist will be released in French cinemas on October 4th.

The documentary will be exported to fifteen countries (including China, India, Iceland and Burkina Faso) and distributed in France by La Ruelle Films.

This gripping work follows four women on two continents as they experience bullying, hatred and wanton violence in the virtual world that spills over into the real world.

The two directors are also active as screenwriters. Her difficult but necessary documentary broke box office records and garnered critical acclaim.

documentary "hello you bitch"