I started with liars nobody believes them anymore say Cubans.webp

“I started with liars, nobody believes them anymore,” say Cubans before promising rice for June

CubitaNOW Newsroom ~ Saturday, March 4, 2023

Cubans are concerned about skyrocketing rice prices, which can reach 150 pesos in some provinces. And the situation doesn’t appear to be changing until at least June in Granma, where authorities are hoping to have production ready for that month.

Although one of the fundamental goals of the agro-industrial grain company José Manuel Capote Sosa in Río Cauto is the cultivation of rice, it could not be cultivated earlier due to problems that its director Idel Alberto Marrero Martínez explained to the official newspaper La Demajagua.

“The deficit of fuel and other inputs, including fertilizers, made it impossible to plant rice in the spring and cold season, although there is an improvement in February that will allow around 1,000 hectares to be planted, which is still below the demand lies,” he told the manager.

“The harvest will start next April and the mill will do so in June, so from that moment the product will be available for the regulated family basket and for sale in the markets,” he said.

“The state-owned company must engage in retail sales and not cede physical space to resellers. They have seven outlets and two novel markets selling beans, rice, root vegetables and vegetables and are trying to regulate prices. “To generate some income,” he added to La Demajagua.

Despite the leader’s promises, Cubans do not believe that all the rice needed in the province will be ready by June.

“This is the processor, show the lands of the state: the fields of rice, corn and beans, the fields of sugar cane, which are not even good for cattle. The farm masts, the small vegetable mast put an end to that. The biggest of Granma , even potatoes were grown there, show these farms and then I will believe that they want to win grain in Granma. I started with liars and no one believes them,” said one citizen.

“The only thing that Cuba is developing every day is worm farming… This means we have overproduction. Every day less Clarias and more worms” and “stop lying, shame on you damn it” commented the Cubans.

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