The main thing is that there is no Corona? Anyone who coughs or has a runny nose should still not go to work. Please!
“I took the test, I’m negative anyway”, says the colleague, taking off her handkerchief, blowing her nose fervently and then demonstrating what insulted bronchi sound like when she coughs. Why did she still come to work? “I have so many commitments today.”
What did we really gain from the pandemic? Apparently not much if you have returned to the habitus that was common before Corona. Dragging yourself to work despite a runny nose, etc. – running the risk of not doing yourself any good and possibly infecting your colleagues. And no, “it’s not Corona anyway” does not apply. Because no other infection should be transmitted to people in this way – between negligent and deliberate.
Anyone who is sick should stay at home. If you feel comfortable and it’s possible, you should work from home. But anyone who coughs, has a runny nose or feels unwell has no place in an office. Your colleagues will thank you.