1667607867 I will also be at the peace rally Just add

I will also be at the peace rally. Just add fuel to the fire of war

The Government of the President melons He got off to a bad start before he even started. But it manages to worsen even the worst of expectations. It’s the government that wants the Flat Tax e the naval blockade. We’ve known that for years. Then came Garparri’s proposal for abortion, which law professor Marilisa D’Amico commented by saying that “as soon as the fascist regimes come to power, they intervene against abortion”.

At the Home Office we thought Salvini is coming back, Rambo 2 – revenge, and instead he left the one who wrote the decrees. In fact, he immediately blocked the NGOs, and now there are almost a thousand shipwrecked people who cannot enter the port. And who knows how many others drown because three ships cannot save them.

I gloss over the extent of using the Cash up to 10,000 euros. Running around with rolls of money in your pocket pleases some friends of friends.

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But there is a macabre element of continuity that few would have had the courage to interrupt: continue to add fuel to the fire of war. And above all, to feed the arms round. A thoroughbred politician like Guerini made it, let alone someone like him crossetto who deals in weapons for work!

War, Machiavelli argued, “is a labor by which the soldier, if he wishes to make a profit, is compelled to be false, greedy, and cruel.” In fact, we talk a lot about the need for Ukrainian ships to transport them Grain to starving countries, but mainly to Western ports, leaving the world’s poorest empty-stomached while Turkey quintuple tariffs to let them pass through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles (source M. Mussetti, Limes).

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there Germany has been associated with the for years Russian gas. A bond that the Poles, an Eastern-born vanguard, do not like, so much so that they call it the “Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact”. And while the Poland spends more on weapons than NATO demands, Germany will start rearmament and make more than 100 billion available. Defense spending is also increasing in Italy, so we’re a step behind in this war, but we’re preparing for the next. Maybe in Libya where we will meet Russians and Turks.

Most of the weapons and trainers are American, but along with the bombs, the amount of LNG the US sells to Europe is also doubling. According to the EWI, Institute of the University of Cologne, in the coming years American gas will fill 90% of the hole created by the lack of Russian gas. And we must add that we are already paying a very high price for this.

Ours too Eni it is one of the big ones that move. The official website states that Eni’s CEO, Claudio Descalzi, met with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in March and August 2022 to discuss Eni’s activities in the country and territories of Egypt to discuss common interest and cooperation”. Who knows if Descalzi and “Trump’s favorite dictator” spoke about the killing Giulio Regeni. After all, that’s precisely why we’re taking part in the war in Ukraine, because we care so much about freedom and justice, right? “Currently, Eni produces about 60% of the country’s gas,” the document said. Maybe it seemed like a good reason not to mention it human rights.

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Eni was chosen by QatarEnergy as a new international partner after the French one Total Energies, for the expansion of the North Field East (NFE) project and the development of the largest natural gas field in the world. They also have some human rights issues in those parts. According to The Guardian e amnesty Thousands of workers died “at the hands of appalling working conditions while building the World Cup infrastructures. An underestimated number, according to the British newspaper, which was unable to collect data from several other countries that care for tens of thousands of detainees, such as the Philippines or Kenya. He tells it Rachida El Azzouzi in a great report.

These are fragments of a dirty story. But they are only fragments. Thousands could come.

Tell the war as if it were a fight between thugs started on February 24th is not only childish, but above all a dangerous lie behind which great political and economic interests are hidden. Therefore also tomorrow I will be on the pitch to ask my country for a policy disarmamentto seriously force Russia and Ukraine to do so to cease fire and stop the flow of arms to Kyiv.