I work for 4 days with the same salary there

I work for 4 days with the same salary: there is a green light in this country

Also in Brazil The short-time work week can come. The message is to spread 4-day week worldwidel, the organization that advocates and fights internationally to reduce skilled worker hours by working closely with companies to facilitate the adoption of new company policies.

In fact, reducing working hours and condensing work into four days is not an easy change and often requires reorganization of work activities to maintain productivity despite the reduced hours.

For this reason, as has already happened in other states, before the introduction of the short week from June, aStatistical Survey targeted. Applicant companies participate in data collection pilot project This includes a phase of management training sessions and then an actual implementation of the system of work based on 32 hours.

What is the short week?

A short-time work week or short week means a reduction in working hours compared to the regular week a same salary. Normally, the weekly working time is 40 hours, while a short-time work week can be 35 or even 32 hours.

Important the regulation of the short week is not standardizedIn fact, it varies from state to state and company to company.

The exact duration is determined, for example, according to the company’s own guidelines in accordance with collective agreements or the regulations applicable in the respective country. Its implementation also depends on factors such as the field of activity and economic constraints.

What does the data say?

The experiment, beginning in Brazil, sees another country getting involved, despite the complexity of this transition. A fairly simple reason that could have led the first Brazilian companies to take up this challenge is certainly the statistical analysis of the so-called “known cases”. In fact, the European continent was the scene of the initial research and implementation of the project with important results.

For example, let’s look at the results of the 2022 short-week study conducted by the University of Cambridge on 61 companies over a six-month period. Among the main results, the following stand out:

  • the reduction of emphasize (71% of employees say they experience less burnout)
  • the reduction in requests for periods of illness (a 65% decrease)
  • a decline redundancies (57% less than the same period last year).

However, the impact on the company has also been significant and positive. The companies’ sales did not show any major fluctuations during this period, so that 56 of the 61 participating companies decided to continue the 4-day week.

However, the British case is not unique. In fact, it is a working method that is also used in countries such as B. has already proven itself Belgium, Iceland, Spain and Portugal.

Long-term benefits of the short week

The data collected in this sense are then accompanied by more far-reaching considerations. The 4-day work week would not only be good for workers’ profits and mental health, but would also have a positive impact onSurroundings given the reduction in commuting and the consequent reduction in carbon footprint.

There is also talk of an increase in productivity, with explicit reference to a stronger recruitment and retention of talent. As I said, indeed Sales volume of the staff.

Finally, an interesting advantage of the short week is that of birth rate, a theme that is particularly noticeable in Italy. Indeed, by providing workers with more free time, there is an opportunity to dedicate to family and leisure activities, improve work-life balance, and allow parents (or parents-to-be) to be more present in their own lives Children.

The last important consideration concerns the reduction of unemployment: By reducing the weekly working hours, there is an opportunity to hire more workers to cover the same volume of work.