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Ibero American countries support 1168 cooperation initiatives

This content was published on March 24, 2023 – 01:18 March 24, 2023 – 01:18 minutes

Santo Domingo, March 23 (EFE).- The Ibero-American General Secretariat (Segib) presented this Thursday its fourteenth report on South-South and triangular cooperation in Ibero-America 2022, which includes 1,168 initiatives in the 22 countries of this region. as well as with other nations conducted during the 2020-2021 biennium, two years that coincided with the “worst moments” of the pandemic.

This report also represents “the essence of Ibero-America: a supportive region, rich in creative responses and experiences that deserve to be known,” said Ibero-American Secretary General Andrés Allamand, who led the presentation.

Regarding triangular cooperation, the report analyzes 121 initiatives carried out in Ibero-America in this form of cooperation, stressed the Chilean Allamand, specifying that the data will be presented at the “highest event in our community: the Summit of Heads of State and Government “.

The report reflects a “significant increase” in South-South and triangular health cooperation, accounting for 25.8% of exchanges, an 8.5-point increase from the 17.3% registered in 2018.

She also appreciates the important adaptability of the Ibero-American countries in relation to the cooperation instruments used in times of crisis, stressed Allamand.

“The most important thing about this report is that it allows us to learn more about the strategies that Ibero-American countries have adopted to adapt to times of the pandemic, and in particular how they use South-South and triangular cooperation as a means of We have used and continue to use cooperation as a response tool to face the challenges arising from this multidimensional crisis,” he said.

According to the report, Iberoamerican countries’ cooperation activities increased by 6 percentage points in 2021, accounting for 19.3% of total exchanges, compared to 13.2% in 2018.

It is specified that in the 2020-2021 biennium, Latin America “continues to pay particular attention to the protection and care of the environment”, a sector that will be consolidated as a top priority within the triangular modality.

“This trend indicates the greater propensity of the triangle, involving a growing number of actors year after year, to concern itself with the delivery of global public goods,” the document explains.

Likewise, it ensures that 113 regional South-South cooperation initiatives in Iberoamerica were carried out in 2020-2021, accompanied by multilateral organizations.

The organizations that make up the Iberoamerican and Central American systems participate in 20.4% and 15% of these 113 initiatives, respectively.

The report highlights the “special reference” to the involvement of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the organizations that make up the United Nations system.

Allamand stressed the relevance of this report, which has established itself as a “useful tool” allowing countries to steer their cooperation policies and make informed decisions.

“This is a volume of exchanges that is 30% lower than the previous biennium 2018-2019, but is truly remarkable considering that this cooperation took place in the midst of a pandemic,” explained the Coordinator of the Sector of Social Cohesion and Cooperation South South of the Segib, the Uruguayan Martín Rivero.

Tomorrow and Saturday the XXVIII. Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government. EFE


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