Ida exposes Riccardo and he leaves the studio

The previews of men and women for the week of December 5th to 9th they reveal that there will be some changes in connection with the airing of the talk show, which is only running until Wednesday December 7th.

There will be twists though as the lady is expected to return to the studio in these new episodes of Maria De Filippi’s talk show Ida Platano, who will have no problem exposing her ex-boyfriend Richard Guarnieri.

Program change for men and women from December 5th to 9th, 2022

More specifically, the new Men and Women broadcast week will be marked by a switch to daytime programming.

The talk show won’t be on the air for the entire week of December 5-9, but it’s coming Broadcast only until Wednesday 7.

On December 8th and 9th, the appointment with the talk show of Maria De Filippi’s feelings will be suspended from the afternoon program of the flagship network Mediaset.

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the program is therefore not offered during the day, e.g will be back on the air regularly from Monday, December 12thas always in the usual time window in the early afternoon.

Ida Platano returns to the studio and exposes Riccardo: preview of men and women from December 5th to 7th

But what will happen in these new episodes of men and women scheduled on Canale 5 from December 5th to 7th, 2022? Progress shows there will be room for Ida to return to the studio.

The Sicilian lady will rejoin the show a few days after the final decision that led her to abandon the program with Alessandro Vicinanza, also confronting her ex Riccardo.

There will be twists and turns as it will be Ida who will expose Riccardo for what happened immediately after his final choice was recorded.

Indeed, the Sicilian lady She will say that she received messages from her ex-boyfriend: a truth that until now had never surfaced since Riccardo had not said that he had written back to his ex after the election.

Riccardo Guarnieri leaves the studio in tears: preview men and women 5.-7. December

There will be criticism of the knight in the studio: Die Advances from men and women from December 5 to 7, 2022, reveal that Richard is violently attacked by Gianni Sperti and, as Ida and Alessandro dance together in the middle of the studio, will decide to leave.

The knight will tearfully abandon the study of Men and Women, probably tempted again by the criticism leveled at him and by this return to the studio of his ex Ida, now happily engaged to Alessandro.