Ida Platano and Alessandro Vicinanza it is a crisis he

Ida Platano and Alessandro Vicinanza, it is a crisis: he would have cheated on them

On Maria De Filippi’s dating show, there are alarming reports about the couple born.

Ida Platano and Alessandro Vicinanza would be in crisis? According to various reports circulating on the internet, the couple was born in over the throne of men and womenShe is apparently going through a particularly difficult time, so much so that there is even talk of a possible separation.

Men and women, Ida and Alessandro would be in crisis, she would have discovered a betrayal

The two former faces of the dating show “Canale 5” have not been shown together for several days. Alexander has sunk into a long social silence Ida she seems sad and thoughtful. Gossip expert Deianira Marzano received worrying news Reports. “Maretta between Alessandro and Ida, but they don’t say it. Voice of the Country” and again: “My sister works in his salon. It seems that she found some messages from a girl in which he invited her for a weekend while telling her that he was at a work meeting and had to be absent,” this one in particular is even more worrying because of the reports Proximity would have given Ida away end the relationship.

At the moment there are no confirmations or denials from those directly involved, who have always used the weekend to spend time together due to the distance required by their respective jobs, but for several weeks there have been no joint trips or weekends, which inexorably increases suspicions about a possible crisis between them. The couple’s last post shared on social media was last summer when the two flew to New York to celebrate Alessandro’s 40th birthday.

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