Identity Mistake A Dangerous Criminal Released

Identity Mistake: A Dangerous Criminal Released

In Belgium, a dangerous criminal who was accidentally released after being mistaken for another prisoner is thankfully back behind bars.

On April 24, police managed to retrieve fugitive Mohamed BB, who was then on the Belgian Federal Police’s most wanted list, local media 7sur7 reported.

The latter, who is serving a sentence in Saint-Gilles prison on charges of sexual exploitation, kidnapping and rape, was released “by mistake” a few days earlier after being mistaken for a prisoner of the same name, according to media Het Nieuwsblad.

“We have launched an internal investigation to determine what went wrong. When we have identified where the error is coming from, concrete action will be taken,” said prison spokeswoman Kathleen Van De Vijver, very embarrassed, according to 7sur7.

The Belgian, considered dangerous, would have been quickly found with members of his family near the prison and would have surrendered without a fuss.