quotIf Gaza fell in the first days no one would

"If Gaza fell in the first days, no one would remember it" • Diário Causa Operária Diário Causa Operária

In his speech this Wednesday, January 3, Hezbollah (Party of God) leader Hassan Nasralá addressed several points, including the necessity and effectiveness of armed struggle. The section in which he addresses the issue is truly spectacular and serves as a lesson to all the oppressed in his speech as a tribute to Qasem Soleimani, the former commander of the elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard who was assassinated by the United States.

Nasralá begins this part of the speech with the statement: “Everything that exists in the sense of international law is incapable of protecting any people.” Nobody, not even the Lebanese.” This view in itself goes far beyond the petty bourgeois Illusions go beyond international law and reveal that contemporary Arab nationalism, forged in the fight against “Israel,” is much more radical than the “wellthinking” ones who call themselves “revolutionaries.”

Nasralá's statement is more concrete and closer to Marxism than most leftwing political assessments. History shows this, as Hezbollah's leader later pointed out: “Look what's happening in Gaza!”

And the weapons?

The Muslim leader then correctly states: “And there are still people who are calling on the international community to protect Lebanon and calling on Hezbollah to give up its weapons,” thus addressing the issue of armed struggle more openly. In the following excerpt he denounces disarmamentoriented pacifism: “This is not about discussing opinions. This only makes the vision and hearts sad and darkened.”

When we say that politics is organized violence, we must be sure that the only criterion that is respected in this game is violence. If politics differs from natural violence, it is because this is exercised collectively by collective interests, but in the interaction of the two, violence is ultimately the decisive element.

Nasralá points to this political maxim in the following excerpt: “The experience in Gaza shows that when you are weak, no one protects you, no one defends you and no one cries for you.” When you are weak, no one will defend you, no one will cry for you.”

“It is your strength, it is your weapon, it is your presence, it is your fight. When you are strong, you are respected in the world,” Nasralá added.

example for the world

Towards the end of his speech, Nasralá also brought up the example of the Palestinian people: “Despite the siege of Gaza, all the injustices in Gaza, if Gaza had fallen in the first days, no one would remember them.” Another very correct assessment by Nasralá: If the Palestinian people had hesitated in their struggle in the last decades, the Zionist occupation with the expulsion of the Arabs would have been peaceful and the crimes of “Israel” would no longer have received any attention.

“This strength that they had, all the fights between men, women, children, all the demonstrations of violence changed public opinion,” Nasralá rightly continues. Israel's crimes only became public through the struggle of the Palestinian people. Without this struggle, the imperialist press would just tell its tall tale without any objection.

Seven decades

The recent history of the region of Palestine shows how accurate this assessment by Hassan Nasralá is. For 75 years, more than seven decades, the people of the Palestine region have suffered under Zionist occupation. In the face of oppression by imperialism, they were not defended by any government in the region, not even by the governments that historically belonged to the same Arab people. It's a proven fact: If you don't stand up for yourself, no one else will.

The international community, whether countries or organizations, has done nothing objective against the Zionist occupation. The “twostate solution” was proposed as the maximum. The international community did nothing to defend the massacred Palestinians, whose basic rights were under attack. Their actions, such as the recognition of the State of Israel in general, benefited, at least indirectly, Zionism's imperialist offensive.

The international community has confirmed in practice that the Geneva Conventions can be torn apart if one of the parties cannot defend itself against imperialism. “Israel” managed to break all four conventions without being challenged by the international community.

Weapons in hand

Historically, all armed groups that surrendered their weapons suffered as a result of this action. All forces that have at some point chosen this policy have had to pay a heavy price if they were not wiped out.

In recent history we have examples of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN), the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) and the Irish Republican Army (IRA). English). In the words of former FARC peace negotiator Iván Márquez: “Laying down our arms was a big mistake.”

Operation Flood alAqsa, a historic success

Just like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) kidnapping operations that Leila Khaled immortalized and brought the Palestinian question to the forefront in the 1960s and 1970s, Operation Deluge alAqsa was a major success for Hamas, the Islamist jiad, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FDLP), the PFLP and other Palestinian fighters. It was this action that changed the course of the situation and exposed the campaign of the imperialist press.

If today the world public recognizes the crimes of the Zionists and supports their uprising, this change in favor of the Palestinians can be traced back to Operation Flood alAqsa. It is the struggle of the Palestinian people that wins the support of other oppressed peoples and fills their spirits with hope against belligerent imperialism.

The entire merit of the Palestine question lies in the armed resistance of these people. If Zionism today faces a historic crisis that calls into question the existence of the imperialist enclave “Israel,” it is due to the armed resistance in Palestine.

They are the fighters of these people massacred by imperialism, who have limited resources from a backward economy and are shaking the entire system of global economic domination. Hamas, Islamic Jiad, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FDLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), congratulations on the job! As Hezbollah's leader said, it was your strength that made the difference. They are an example of the fight for the oppressed in the world.