1651100420 If someone intervenes in the situation in Ukraine the response

If someone intervenes in the situation in Ukraine, the response will be “lightning”, says Putin

If someone intervenes in the situation in Ukraine the response

Putin. Photo: Sputnik.

If someone from abroad intervenes in the situation in Ukraine, the answer will be “quick”.That’s what President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday at a meeting with members of the country’s Legislative Council.

“Our response to counterattacks will be lightning fast. We have tools that nobody else has. We will use them,” he assured, adding that “all decisions in this regard have been made.”

The Russian President also reflected that the West sees a country as big as Russia as a threat.

“A country so independent, big and vast […] it is not necessary, they believe that it simply poses a danger to them by their mere existence,” Putin said, stressing that it is the West that really “poses the danger to the whole world”.

In this regard, the head of state recalled how in the 1990s Western states encouraged terrorists in the North Caucasus to “encourage separatist movements” and ultimately “destroy” the country. As another example, Putin pointed to “the Nazis’ barbaric plans for the Soviet people” intending to “subdue people to conditions of slavery” and eliminate those who cannot work.

Referring to the Ukraine issue, the President noted that in this conflict “the Ukrainian people are destined to be expendable” and that people are beginning to realize this. At the same time he declared this Ukraine was pressured from outside to surrender to Russia.

At the same time, he stated that all the goals of the special military operation, which will ensure the security of Donbass, Crimea and all of Russia, will be met.

“Our soldiers and officers averted the real danger that was already spreading across our homeland. With their courage, determination and heroism, they prevented a major conflict that would have happened on our territory, but according to external scenarios [bajo el control de Occidente]’ the President stressed.

Putin also complained that the “bet” on neo-Nazis and Russophobes was “a new geopolitical weapon” for the West.

“Year after year they shamelessly bet on Russophobia and neo-Nazis and unabashedly make our neighboring country Ukraine ‘anti-Russian,'” he added.

(With information from RT)