If Zelensky orders it we will attack

“If Zelensky orders it, we will attack”

by Andrea Nicastro

Major Projipenko: «In Mariupol we will fight to the last». In the city “life is dramatic”. “The Russians don’t want to fight, they too are cold and hungry”

LOZOVA (Kharkiv) The video is dated March 24, Thursday, and appeared on the YouTube channel of a famous Ukrainian journalist on Saturday. This is the Internet interview with Major Denis Projipenko, commander of the Azov battalion trapped in defense of Mariupol. An extraordinary document that shows a man in an extreme moment, in mortal danger, in a hell of constantly bombarded ruins with thousands of enemies trying to kill him and his companions. A man who, during the 25minute conversation, would not budge on his choice to be a soldier, the embodiment of courage and sacrifice for the homeland. “We’re not going away,” he repeats several times. “We are ready to attack when ordered. We will stay here until the last ».

The latest news about the war in Ukraine

The massacre

Except it’s not John Wayne at Fort Alamo with the faded colors. The Mariupol tragedy is not a film, but a massacre that is taking place day by day in reality without anyone being able to prevent it. The 43yearold reacts calmly and speaks of duty and discipline. In some moments he smiles. If he’s not already dead, he’ll be killed shortly. Something has to change in order for him, his people and tens of thousands of civilians trapped in Mariupol to survive. Three days after the interview, Putin’s soldiers managed to advance toward the city center. The pounding on the Denis man’s dugouts, the Azov soldiers and the civilians did not stop for a moment. Major Projipenko told reporter Dimitry Gordon that he spoke to President Zelenskyy. “I cannot reveal any military secrets, said the commander of the Azov regiment, “but I am glad that the highest politicalmilitary leadership is dealing with the Mariupol question: how to break the siege? The harder we hold on, the easier it becomes for our capital to counterattack. I know that sooner or later it will happen ». Zelenskyy has just declared him a “Hero of Ukraine”. Alive.


The description of the city and the residents trapped in Mariupol match those of those who have fled in recent days, the major adds military details. “The enemy uses tactical missiles, cruise missiles, artillery, areasaturated missiles, tanks and at least 100 aerial bombs a day. Indiscriminately bomb critical infrastructure, hospitals, and even the theater. The only comparison is to Dresden in ’45 or to a postapocalyptic set. There are no more intact buildings. We can’t even count the dead because it’s impossible to dig through the rubble. The municipality speaks of 4,000 victims, but this is an estimate. Many women and children flee into the cellars, now almost without food and water. 300 sleeping places where half of that would be cramped. You are injured and sick. I’ve seen people faint from hunger on the streets. Then the bombs fall and they just bury them in the basement. Since March 11 there has been fighting in the city. Since then it has not been possible to collect the corpses of civilians or enemy soldiers. As soldiers, we try to help with food and medicine, but our resources are limited ».

war crimes

“When some ‘green corridors’ were agreed, many of those who went to Zaporizhia were killed. At night, the enemy shoots at all vehicles indiscriminately. People have no chance to save themselves. Russia is violating all the rules of war, international law, the Geneva Conventions. Opening fire on the columns of fleeing families… That’s why the Russians don’t let in humanitarian convoys. having no witnesses. We try to document everything. Even with Frontline recordings. We will hand them over to the Hague tribunal for the world to know ».

The enemy

This is one of the issues the major is dealing with, raising suspicions of communications designed to keep Ukrainian troops’ morale high outside of Mariupol. “The enemy is overwhelming in numbers, but they are losing strength every day. He tries to bring new reserves into the fray, but they surrender en masse. You don’t want to fight. They are freezing and starving, they are poorly equipped. Cannon fodder: In addition to the Russian military and Donbass independence militias, prisoners were also given weapons. Let’s see how they are forced to fight and fall under our blows. The Russians don’t care about the losses. They leave the bodies where they fell. We shoot down planes and helicopters, we destroyed 32 tanks in total. Since March 15, we have stopped counting enemy casualties. I would say at least 50 a day ».

The massacre

“Despite the superiority of the enemy, we conduct successful military operations. We hit back, we don’t limit ourselves to blunt defence. I never thought my boys could show such heroism. The conditions are inhuman, they haven’t slept in days, in the freezing cold, under bullets. Then there are those who have suffered three or four wounds, the amputation of fingers, but: “Commander, I am ready to go into battle!”. The desire to win goes beyond the limits of human capacity. They will fight to the last drop of blood».


“Excluding the territory temporarily occupied by the Russians, Mariupol was the de facto capital of Donbass. For this reason, it is an obsession for Putin, if we fall, he believes that Donbass will be his. Mariupol has become Ukraine’s outpost, a symbol. Those who fight against us are under orders to raze the city from the face of the earth. I don’t understand what should happen to an uninhabitable city.”

emotions and cold

“When you see the friends you’ve shared with for years fall, tears flow. But the head has to stay cool. I have no right to emotions. I have to keep doing my job, I mustn’t lose heart in front of the staff. Mariupol will remain Ukrainian. We will win”.

Mar 28, 2022 (Modified Mar 28, 2022 | 10:08 am)