III. International Conference Dilemmas of Humanity: “If Palestine is occupied, there is no peace in the world”

The opening panel of the III. International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference took place in Johannesburg, South Africa. Photo: Rafael Stedile.

With the presence of around 500 delegates from more than 70 countries, the Third International Conference “Dilemmas of Humanity” began this Saturday, the central themes of which were the fight for the liberation of Palestine and against imperialism.

The major event, which takes place in the South African city of Johannesburg, began with a panel discussion on the topic Situation of oppression that the Palestinian people are currently suffering in the midst of Israel’s genocidal offensive against the Gaza Strip.

Important figures such as Leila Khaled, member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Naledi Pandor, Foreign Minister of South Africa, and Arwa Abu Hashhash, member of the Palestinian People’s Party, were present.

The renowned Palestinian revolutionary leader referred to the recent escalation of violence against the Gaza Strip. Photo: Rafael Stedile.

“We are a people of strength, will, dignity and humanity. We defend humanity in Palestine. If Palestine is occupied, there will be no peace in the world. Palestine is not just for the Palestinians, it is a human issue, a problem of humanity.”Khaled said in his speech.

The renowned Palestinian revolutionary leader referred to the recent escalation of violence against the Gaza Strip and denounced that “imperialists, colonialists and capitalists continue to practice the lie” that Israel deserves the Palestinian territories, but stressed that “our people” have not accepted this .”

Abu Hashhash expressed himself in the same vein and maintained this “Imperialist forces led by the United States continue to support and justify Israel’s brutal daily aggression against Palestine.”

“The Zionist powers have tried to describe Palestine as a land without a people.” […] “Israel’s killing machine continues, but this will only strengthen our resolve to continue the resistance,” he said.

For the South African Chancellor, what is happening to the Palestinian people today is linked to the period of segregation and apartheid that her country experienced in the second half of the last century. In his speech, Pandor drew a line of convergence between the struggles of both peoples.

“The Gaza Strip has been under siege for 16 years and its people are fighting for survival. Palestinians are denied entry and exit, and we also had to enter through separate entrances here in South Africa. We went through that too,” said the African diplomat.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has exacerbated the polarization that is occurring worldwide today, with progressive forces being a bastion of defense of the Palestinian people on the one hand, and imperialism represented in the Western powers allied with the Israeli regime on the other.

In this context, this Third International Conference “Dilemmas of Humanity” aims to debate – and find solutions – the main problems facing humanity today, which are mainly due to capitalism and imperialism.

The South African Foreign Minister addressed these questions, noting the difficulties faced by the world’s progressive movements in combating capitalism. “Progressive values,” said the Chancellor, “have been hijacked and now it is difficult to find the voice of the left and we have to be reborn, organize, be intelligent and strategic.” He stressed that “fine speeches are of no use , if my rhetoric is not put into action the next day.”

The US presidential candidate of the Socialism and Liberation Party (PSL), Claudia de la Cruz, also condemned in Johannesburg the hegemonic and imperialist system that her country’s government is exporting to the rest of the world and called for people to oppose it.

“Any attack anywhere in the world against American imperialism is a step toward freedom. We must defeat capitalism before it destroys us,” said the socialist leader.

Regarding the genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip, de la Cruz asserted that “history does not have two sides, but only one side: the side of justice and the side of Palestine.”

Until October 18, more progressive leaders, intellectuals and members of popular organizations will attend the international meeting, which will also cover topics such as building socialism in the 21st century, organizing the working class and defending life. and nature, national sovereignty and anti-imperialism as well as the socio-political current affairs of Africa.

(From People’s Dispatch)