Il Paradiso advances April 25 29 Gloria saves her daughter

Il Paradiso, advances April 25 29: Gloria saves her daughter from Gemma, Marco ousted

The progress of the new episodes of Ladies’ Paradise 6 from April 25th to 29th, 2022 shows that Gloria will find herself in a difficult position as she has to save her daughter Stephanie, from the insidious blackmail of the perfidious Gemma.

Eyes also on Marco, who will decide not to give up on young Stefania, while Adelaide, disappointed in Umberto, will develop her plan of revenge against Commendatore Guarnieri.

Stefania cornered by Gemma: The Ladies’ Paradise preview April 25-29

In detail, the previews of the new episodes of Il Paradiso delle Signore 6, scheduled for the week ending April 29 in absolute Rai Premiere, show that Gemma will blackmail Stefania: if she does not mount Marco as soon as possible, she will go to the police and report their mother, Gloria, for this crime (related to abortion) that she committed several years earlier.

Stefania will therefore not feel like getting her mother into trouble in the face of this situation, which is why she comes to a bitter conclusion: to decide to break up with Marco and remove him from her life permanently.

In the meantime, Marco will supplant Stefania with an official engagement proposal: he wants them to build their relationship, but the girl, even if madly in love, will feel compelled to distance himself from her.

The situation takes an unexpected turn when Gloria realizes the reality of the facts and Gemma’s blackmail against Stefania.

Gloria saves her daughter Stefania from Gemma

At this point, Ezio’s ex-wife will decide to save his daughter: she will not hesitate to go personally to the police to report herself and thus take responsibility for what she has done in the past.

Only in this way can Stefania freely live her relationship with Marco and free herself from the yoke of Gemma, who has tried by all means to distance the girl from the Countess’s nephew.

In the end, however, love will prevail and be able to conquer everything, even over the insidious blackmail of Gemma, who will not accept that Marco has fallen in love with Stefania.

Adelaide wants revenge on Umberto: Il Paradiso is brought forward from April 6th to 29th, 2022

It’s not over here, because the previews of Il Paradiso delle Signore 6 until April 29, 2022 show that the Countess Adelaide, having regained the shares linked to the management of the business, will decide to carry out her revenge plan against Umberto .

The Countess will not stand idly by the decision of Commendatore Guarnieri, who has decided to end his relationship with Adelaide and live his relationship with stylist Flora Ravasi.

Adelaide does intend to make Umberto pay for it, but what will she do? What plan will the dreaded Countess come up with?

The answer during the unreleased episodes of Season 7 of Il Paradiso delle Signore, which will close its doors for the long summer break but will be airing again in Rai first view from September.