Ilary Blasi and the revelations in Unica Coffee with another

Ilary Blasi and the revelations in Unica: Coffee with another, Totti’s machismo, the investigator, the confirmation about Noemi Bocchi

The day of Ilary Blasi’s version has come. The documentary Unica, which premieres today on Netflix, is “clear” from the perspective of her and her wives (family members, friends). Marriage to Francesco Totti and especially at the end, Treason chapters and Noemi Bocchi included. The Tottis are finally described as: “Our royal family, the first VIP wedding broadcast on television”. In short, the King and Queen of Rome. So much so that when it was over, “even the New York Times wrote about it,” Ilary says.

Why did Ilary Blasi decide to clarify? “I’m used to false statements, now I’m telling my truth.” In Unica there is no cross-examination and no unpleasant questions. There is only her story and that of her magic circle, but the presenter reveals a lot. He cries, he jokes, he shows himself. We start with the story of twenty years together: “We never had any major arguments, I can’t remember it in twenty years, there was always a peaceful relationship.” And yes,” says the moderator, “We had sex regularly, even more often than a couple who had been together for twenty years.” We continue into the dark times, Ilary lets them begin in autumn 2021: “Francesco is starting to change. He becomes a dark husband who often goes out angry, in short, a different man. Ilary asks for explanations: “He didn’t give me any answers, after a while I had the feeling that he was a little angry with me, but I don’t understand why.” From him only vague and confused answers come.” We are coming in January 2022 when Totti corners his wife and friend Alessia: “We are in a club, he asks us to follow him, he takes my phone, goes on Instagram and opens a boy’s profile.” He asks us, ‘Have you ever met him?’ We immediately say no, but it was a lie.”

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Totti always knew this and from then on, explains Ilary, the catastrophe began. “He keeps repeating a specific date, October 11th. Only later did I understand that he had found an exchange of messages between me and Alessia, that we had heard about this boy and that we had agreed to go for coffee.. From then on, Ilary understands but does not understand her husband’s change: “I understand that he may have felt betrayed, I understand the jealousy, the fact that he betrayed his trust, but in 20 years I never had him given a “reason to doubt”. Unlike the former footballer, Ilary comes to the conclusion: “Once in 20 years it had to be him who believed me, as I had always been the one who had to trust him, even at the time of Fabrizio Corona and the rumors about Flavia Vento.”, before our wedding. After all, it’s not like he opened the door and saw me in bed with someone else. He just had to trust me.

Ilary Blasi in Unica

Totti’s answer makes Ilary freeze: “He tells me, ‘I don’t know how you’ve done it over the years, I’m not as good as you.’ I just can’t get the coffee out of my head. From then on, there is a series of guilt that he constantly instills in me. THEAt this point the thread of the documentary goes back, Ilary Blasi talks about the first meeting, the courtship, the marriage, the children. At this point the presenter is faced with another difficult moment, Totti’s withdrawal from the world of football: “Afterwards he stayed on the sofa for days and watched TV on a continuous loop,” remembers Ilary and cries with emotion. “But from then on he slowly surprised me,” he continues, “he had arrived that day full of worries, emotions, fears and anger, and now it seemed to me that he was slowly regaining a little composure, as if he was accept that.” Beginning of a new life. While the captain retires at the age of 40, Ilary Blasi’s career takes off. one Mediaset show after the other. One success after another. The covers are coming, the focus is particularly on her.

Then comes a date: February 2022, when Dagospia writes that the two’s marriage is practically over. The next day, Ilary continues to recall, “the name came out Noemi Bocchi». It still is: «All the newspapers assume that Francesco cheated on them. And you think, “Gosh, these people are so bad.” To me it immediately felt like a dizziness. After a while, however, the photo arrives at the Olimpico. He is touring through Italy, it is from months ago: Totti is sitting in the stadium, Noemi behind him. But at home with his wife, The former footballer denies this. He continues to strongly deny: “Swear before me and before the children.” Ilary’s version continues. A photo of him in Monte Carlo appears, in a hot tub. A blonde woman can be seen from behind. Totti once again rejects all allegations.

We are at the end of June. The presenter’s first suspicions begin when Totti takes his youngest daughter out to lunch and she returns home with new toys: “He tells me that they are gifts, that he has met new children. I ask them their names and then I remember that Noemi had children. I put two and two together and wonder about the children’s names. Everything agrees.” The castle collapses, but Totti continues to deny it. With that, Ilary reveals that she can only do one thing: “I wanted to see it with my own eyes and I wanted proof, because Francesco would never have admitted it.” On July 2nd he says he is having dinner. I find the house where the girl lived (Ilary continues to call her that, editor’s note), a friend and I arrived and the car was parked. I took a photo of the car but didn’t say anything.”

In order to get new evidence and confirmation of her husband’s cheating, she turns to a private detective. “But the investigator gets caught, we are at the tragicomic crime scene,” he explains, “so Francesco knows that I know.” And when I consider that he had sought out me sexually the night before and I had obviously avoided him. He still doesn’t admit it, I tell him: “I just know everything. I corner him, he finally admits it, but talks about it like it was an easy relationship: he was good at talking nonsense.. But Ilary doesn’t accept that: “It was a strong humiliation, as a woman and as a mother.”

The end of the story: “I married Francesco Totti for love, not for money,” he said at the beginning. But as we know, there are very few fairy tales in reality. The rest is history: the separation, the mutual accusations, the Rolexes, the bags, the new companions. Ilary Blasi recently shared photos on social media new teammate Bastian Müller, They celebrate their first anniversary together. It seems clear that Francesco Totti comes out very badly from this version, that of Ilary Blasi and the women in his life. There is a passage, the darkest, in which the presenter recalls her husband’s “conditions” to overlook the coffee lie: “I’m never allowed to see my friend Alessia again, I have to log off of social media, change my number and stop working». In short, the manifesto of Patriarchy and toxic love. Revelations that Totti would have to explain or rather deny and cancel. But Ilary immediately responds via video: “I told him: “Francesco, you are asking me to choose between you and me, and I have no doubt, I choose myself.” Trust cannot be restored like this.”

Now unique, The inevitable mocking quote on the shirt dedicated to her of his first goal ends with a joke that shows all the irony of Ilary Blasi: “Would you take this coffee with you, Ilary?” a voice from off-screen tells her. “Of course, and at this point I would even do something different.”