Ilary Blasi denies flirting but there are talks with Cristiano

Ilary Blasi denies flirting, but there are talks with Cristiano Iovino. messages had made Totti suspicious

Ilary Blasi's awakening yesterday was as bitter as coffee after the revelations of personal trainer Cristiano Iovino, who explained in an interview with Il Messaggero that he had an “intimate relationship” with the TV presenter when she was still married, and that for several months before the relationship between Francesco Totti and Noemi Bocchi became known. These revelations contradict the image that Ilary herself wanted to convey to the general public in the documentary Unica: of a naive wife who, before discovering her husband's betrayal, had felt guilty even over an innocent coffee with Iovino. I thought that was the reason for the crisis with Francesco Totti. This is an argument that could have considerable weight in the couple's separation case, which is pending before the First Civil Section of the Court of Rome. In fact, both spouses wanted to blame the other for causing the end of the marriage.

Yesterday, Blasi confirmed through a post published on Instagram by the journalist who interviewed her in the weekly magazine “Sette” that “her truth remains the one that is told to her”, in the Netflix documentary and in the book “Che Stupida – My Truth “at the kiosk from January 30th. In order to stand up to his version, he will be a guest at “Verissimo” on Sunday in the living room of his friend and colleague Silvia Toffanin. Who knows if he will respond to what the personal trainer has said on these pages: from the secret meetings in his house in Milan to Ilary's suggestion of spending a weekend together in New York. Iovino had kindly declined the invitation and in a kind of “sliding door” the showgirl met Bastian, her current partner, on this occasion.

The chats

But numbers (even phone numbers) can be stubborn subjects. In the chat conversations between Blasi and the Roman personal trainer from Lazio there are actually clear indications that they didn't just drink coffee. The exchange of confidential messages that Totti discovered on his wife's cell phone and that made him so angry that he asked her and her friend and hairdresser Alessia Solidani for explanations. Nothing extremely obvious, but definitely enough to suggest flirting. The confirmation – after more than two years – came from Cristiano Iovino himself: “We were together when work commitments allowed.” During our meetings we didn't talk much about his situation at home, but he made it clear to me that his marriage was in the final stages and they were practically living apart at home.

Cristiano Iovino, who is Ilary's (alleged) personal trainer lover? Age, tattoos, private life and secret meetings with Blasi

The legacy

The personal trainer was called by Totti as a witness in the separation case. If his statements are not contradicted by other evidence about previous betrayals of the “Pupone”, his statements could actually lead to Judge Simona Rossi agreeing to the former Giallorossi captain's request to hold Ilary responsible for the separation. The charges have legal and financial consequences. The television presenter, even if he is subject to the separation of assets, could be permanently excluded from the inheritance and even excluded from the future possibility of receiving alimony compensation.


In Unica, the earlier letter states that Totti became increasingly cold and distant in late 2021 and that she understood why when he called her aside at the end of a dinner with friends along with Solidani in January 2022. He takes his cell phone, opens Instagram and shows the two friends Iovino's profile: “Do you know him?” First they deny it, then here is the explanation of a simple coffee they drank together in Milan. Yesterday the hairdresser was in his shop on Viale Parioli, the same one where, according to Iovino, he would have met Blasi in the past. Smiling and eager for a cut in the salon full of customers. On the surface it's not a flashy store, compared to the others in the chain it doesn't have many windows facing the street. A single door, a few steps lead into the room, which is slightly below street level, and a door leading to the rear into a small, sheltered garden. Yesterday, her mother was also with Alessia, who came by to say hello. As always, she seems friendly: “Of course I read the interview,” but she doesn’t get upset. “I prefer not to talk about it, it's a painful story.” The breakup between Ilary and Francesco is a big disappointment even for us friends. But was this coffee a prisoner? Alessia looks straight into your eyes and smiles. The next episode of The Beautyful of the Capital? Ilary Blasi promises new journeys. She had already given the captain some taunts in the documentary, reminding him how much she had suffered after reading about her alleged flirtation with Flavia Vento during her pregnancy.


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The messenger