1696306825 ILO recognizes BRICS commitment to labor rights

ILO recognizes BRICS commitment to labor rights

Gilbert F. Houngbo

SOUTH AFRICA, Oct 1 – A call has been made to ensure the ratification and effective application of the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and to “promote an inclusive and effective legal and institutional framework that provides adequate protection for all workers”. by ILO Director General Gilbert F. Houngbo after a meeting of Labor and Employment Ministers of the BRICS countries held last Friday in Durban, South Africa.

Houngbo emphasized the commitment of BRICS member countries to strengthen the positive links between decent work, productivity growth and job creation.

He also considered that strengthening labor rights, ensuring universal access to social protection and closing skills gaps in the informal economy can re-ignite a virtuous circle between decent work, improved productivity and job-intensive economic growth.

“We are talking about respecting, promoting and realizing fundamental principles and rights at work, expanding social protection and promoting inclusive skills policies that provide training tailored to the needs of workers in the informal economy,” he added .

Likewise, the ILO Director recalled that a larger proportion of workers in the BRICS countries are in informal employment and “commitments to providing social protection and closing skills gaps are particularly important to ease the transition of the economy.”

According to the official ILO account on the social network, ensuring universal access to social protection and a minimum basic income; promoting decent work and closing the skills gap in the informal economy; and create sustainable businesses and innovations.

The document also notes that due to technological advances, climate change, demographic change, changes in investment and trade patterns, and mutually reinforcing crises, BRICS member countries are committed to reducing informal work through the Promote transition from informal to informal work in the formal economy, expand social protection, eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation, ensure adequate and fair wages and improve job security.

There is now “recognition of the need to share best practices and respect and defend labor rights in order to strengthen the resilience of our labor markets”.

On the other hand, BRICS members commit to reducing the skills gaps of informal workers in order to improve the quality of employment and ease their transition into the formal economy; Improve progress towards universal social protection for all by 2030 and highlight the urgency of policies that promote and improve labor productivity in different sectors of the economy.

The declaration emphasizes the creation of a BRICS Decent Work Platform productivity ecosystem with the aim of strengthening cooperation within the BRICS bloc and promoting economic growth, sustainable enterprises, productive job creation and poverty reduction. Poverty.