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“I’m leaving you because…” that’s why we get dumped based on zodiac sign

Based on the zodiac sign, we manifest certain character traits. What will be the ones that will make us download from the partner?

Certainly we all have flawsthat more or less influence our daily life and how we face life. According to expertsHowever, there are some Traits that “raise” our relationships. sentimental. Here they all are, sign by sign. based on the zodiac signInformationToday

Love stories end for a variety of reasons, we know, e.g it happens both young and old, even if it feels like an established relationship. The variables can be many: from betrayal to boredom, from encountering characters who are too different to wanting to be alone.

With all of this According to astrologers, each zodiac sign has specific characteristics that they really could have a negative impact on the success of appointments or on a story long time. Here’s what they are.

“I’m leaving you because…” that’s why we get dumped based on zodiac sign

When a story ends, it’s never a pleasant experience for either side. Sure it is being abandoned is even more painful. Because whoever “gives up” has already made a decision, had more time, instead, whoever is left could take the blow very badly.

But maybe, If we know what defects we have, we can avoid the damage. Here’s what experts say they are, character by character.

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    • Aries. Those born under this sign exhibit many positive traits such as: openness in dealing with peopleand also one willpower which causes them to often get what they want. All very fascinating. But Aries are also often jealous and possessive: this thing can scare your partner who will most likely seek his fortune elsewhere.
    • bull. Let’s talk about one The most boring zodiac signs, and from here we understand why they are often single. But that’s not all: When Taurus aren’t boring, they’re very stubbornand this is another trait that can cause partners to abandon them.
    • Twins. We know that Geminis are cheerful, cheerful and charming, but also frivolous and a little childish. On the one hand, they quickly tire of their partners, on the other hand, their instability turns against them because they are not appreciated by those who want a serious relationship.
    • Cancer. Although, unfortunately, Cancer in relationships gives a lot they demand just as much and more in return. However, if this does not happen they become aggressive and that can run away Partners who don’t know how to deal with it.
    • Lion. Famous egocentricLeos always know how to be the center of attention, but nothing bad so far. But if Respect for yourself outweighs your partner then things change and it is very likely that lions will have to go in search of other “prey”.
    • Virgo. However, with a very precise and meticulous character, Virgos pay a lot of attention and even seriousness to their partners. Unfortunately indeed Because of their “fixation”, to be precise, they risk smothering their partner with a thousand reproaches. Partners who end up angrily packing their bags and never coming back.
    • weight scale. This sign is considered between those that are more “sticky” and require constant reflection. Such an attitude unless the relationship turns into a humanitarian missioncertainly distances any partner who wants to live a normal story.
    • Scorpio. Those born under this sign look like very attractive at first glance, because they are mysterious and “closed” in their own world. However, if after some time You can’t open up to your partner they can trigger mistrust and therefore be abandoned.
    • Protect. He’s considered the “rebel, wanderer, and loner” of the zodiac, so it’s easy to see why Sagittarius pulls it off rarely form a committed relationship.
    • Capricorn. Almost like Taurus, Capricorns are a bit boring, or maybe a bit too “serious”. Here because Partners end up cheating on them or leave them very easily.
    • Aquarium. Aquarius is the exact opposite of Capricorn unstable, rebellious and also very eccentric. These qualities make them safe fascinating but also to be left behind. There if it’s too much, it’s too much.
    • fishes. In love with love, Pisces can turn out to be first of all very “obsessive” about partner, and seek confirmation of a dream that may never have existed. there Print exercised by the fish it lets those who do not recognize themselves in their expectations flee.