Immigration France announces the end of the land law in

Immigration: France announces the “end of the land law” in Mayotte

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who traveled to Mayotte, announced on Sunday that the “Droit du Sol” would be abolished on this French Indian Ocean island facing a severe migration crisis.

“We are going to take a radical decision, namely the inclusion of the end of land law in Mayotte in a constitutional revision that the President of the Republic will decide,” declared the minister upon his arrival on the island, paralyzed for three weeks by roadblocks imposed by “ Citizens' collectives were set up to protest against insecurity and uncontrolled immigration.

“It will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of French parents,” he added, assuring that this “may increase the attractiveness that the archipelago can have given the strong immigration, especially from the United States , will literally destroy”. neighboring Comoros.

“It is an extremely strong, clear and radical measure that will obviously be limited to the Mayotte archipelago,” he added.

Since January 22, the Forces vives de Mayotte collective has maintained roadblocks in all four corners of the island, paralyzing traffic and disrupting economic life in France's poorest department to protest against insecurity and the migration crisis.