Immigration The goals of the Trudeau government threaten the future

Immigration: The goals of the Trudeau government threaten the future of the French

According to expert Guillaume Saint-Pierre, the Trudeau government’s immigration targets threaten the future of the French.

• Also read: Immigration: Quebec will open offices in Brussels and Rome

• Also read: Francophone immigration: Quebec does not intend to use all the levers at its disposal

“Quebec will be drowned in a sea of ​​100 million Canadians by the end of the century if the massive immigration targets announced by the Trudeau administration last fall come to fruition, which will put French survival in North America at serious risk.” North”, we can read in the Journal de Montréal on Saturday morning.

Last fall, the federal government announced a goal of half a million new arrivals a year, with a goal of bringing Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100.

Many worry about the place of French if Ottawa’s ambitious goals are met.

Christine Fréchette, Québec’s immigration minister, claims that these goals are incompatible with those aimed at protecting the French language in the province.

Federal politicians welcome this initiative.

Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health, told our journalist Raymond Filion that “it’s a very good idea” and that Quebec is currently “assessing the proportion of Francophones among those immigrants” that it will welcome.

Federal Minister of Justice David Lametti: “We have to bring Francophone immigrants to the country […] It must be done to protect French”.

Despite these good intentions, these immigrants find it easier to settle outside of Quebec because the requirements are higher than in other Canadian provinces.