Important announcement about Celine Dion and her fans react violently

Important announcement about Celine Dion and her fans react violently – World of Stars

For several years, Celine Dion’s health has been a concern for fans around the world. Everyone hopes that the singer will come back strong and continue her career. We just got some big news about Celine as she has decided to move back to Quebec and is currently residing in the Laurentians.

The news has just been published in many media outlets, including Here in Europe when we learn that Celine Dion has decided to leave Las Vegas to return to Quebec.

always after Here, she would have decided to return to the corner of Brébeuf in the Laurentians. Here is an excerpt from the article on the subject:

Celine Dion has decided to return to Canada and live there. According to information from Public, the interpreter of “My Heart Will Go On” decided to leave her suitcases in Brébeuf in the Laurentians, in the large residence where she had taken refuge during the confinement. The artist will not be alone as she will be accompanied by lawyers, assistants and nurses. Her 13-year-old twins, Eddy and Nelson, will also be by her side. Which is not the case at all with his eldest, René-Charles. The magazine reveals that their 22-year-old grand son flatly refused to leave Las Vegas. »

We therefore understand that René-Charles would have made the decision not to follow his mother to the beautiful province.

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