1670542095 In 2023 and will no longer publish paper editions on

In 2023, and will no longer publish paper editions on Sundays

Keeping our readers well-informed has always been a priority for the Journal de Montréal. In order to be able to continue to offer you varied and high-quality content, we have to adapt our business model. In particular, we are confronted with the new media reality, which includes globalized competition from web giants (GAFA) and the expanded presence of Radio-Canada, which is largely government-subsidized.

Therefore, from 2023, we will no longer publish a paper edition on Sundays.

On the other hand, your Saturday Diary becomes a must-attend event to discover all weekend long.

It will be an improved edition that you will read not just for a day, but for the whole weekend.

This Saturday edition will be enriched with a variety of content, including a brand new section on Quebec history, which we will also publish this Saturday in the weekend section. Some of our history-interested chroniclers, but also new faces, including many historians, will contribute.

Starting January 7th, a Complete Escape section will be added to the Weekend notebook, which will also release several other new features.

The Casa and Zeste notebooks are also being improved just like our regular edition: you can read even larger Opinion and World sections, a two-day TV program, as well as most of the content you used to read on Sunday.

In addition to our regular games, a 12-page game booklet will be published on Saturday.

The journal is published on paper on Sundays until December 18th, but will remain closed on December 25th and January 1st during our usual Christmas and New Year holidays.

From January 7, 2023 you can discover this enriched Saturday edition that will now accompany you throughout the weekend.

The front page of Sunday 4 December 2022

In 2023 and will no longer publish paper editions on

With the launch of this new weekend edition, Le Journal follows a trend shared by the vast majority of daily newspapers in North America, which have long since stopped printing paper newspapers on Sundays.

This will also allow us to offer some peace of mind to our home delivery staff who work tirelessly to get Le Journal straight to our tens of thousands of subscribers across Quebec in the middle of the night or very early in the morning.

As you know, the news doesn’t take a break. Rest assured that our teams will continue to update you with great agility in real time on Sunday.

In fact, you can follow our journalists and not miss any news by consulting their reports, their texts and photos 24 hours a day. They will continue to be published regularly on our website journaldemontreal.com, as well as in the QUB application and on the social networks of our platforms.

We’re sure you’ll appreciate this change to our Saturday edition and this new reading experience we’re about to bring you.

As the holiday season approaches, our team has prepared a wealth of content to help you plan and take advantage of this celebration, which is taking place for the first time in almost three years without any COVID-19-related health restrictions.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll begin this 2022 review with reports to read during this time of year when many of our readers are taking the opportunity to spend time with family or to rest.

The Journal will always be there to inform, entertain and accompany you.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for reading us!

Lyne Robaille

Chantal Poirier / JdeM

Lyne Robaille

President and editor of the Journal de Montréal