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In 2023, the EU will continue to focus on expanding the common area of ​​education and research (PK0236/03.03.2023) Austrian Parliament

Vienna (PK) – The Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research, Martin Polaschek, presented his department’s annual report on current EU projects (III-860 dB). The year 2023 is therefore all about implementing existing initiatives. The development of the European Education Area by 2025 is the EU’s core project in the field of education. The EU also attaches great importance to research and innovation for green and digital transformation and for the competitiveness and resilience of the European economy. The implementation of the “Horizon Europe” framework program as the largest research program in the world and the implementation of the European Research Area remain the main lines of action, announced the Minister of Science.

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) overview of the EU projects under its responsibility is based on the EU Commission’s work program for 2023, the eighteen-month program of the three Presidencies of the Council of the EU (France, Czech Republic, Sweden) for the period 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023 and the program of the Swedish Presidency of the Council for the first half of 2023.

The EU Commission wants to advance the development of the European Education Area in 2023

According to the report, the Commission’s work program for 2023 continues to be shaped by the EU’s policy responses to the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to current crises, the work of the EU Commission also focuses on managing green and digital transformation. The program builds on the six overarching policy guidelines presented by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the start of her term in 2019.

According to its treaties, the European Union has no regulatory competence in the field of education. Individual Member States design their own education systems, but cooperate at EU level. According to the Minister of Education, Polaschek, the great added value of EU educational cooperation lies in the development of common political objectives and in the exchange of experiences in the area of ​​implementing educational projects, which also drives national development. A central objective of EU educational cooperation is the creation of a European educational space by 2025. According to the EU Commission, in order to be able to deal with current economic, ecological and social challenges, education systems must impart the knowledge and skills they need. are necessary.

The European Commission has declared 2023 the “European Year of Skills”. One of the year’s focuses is the recognition of the qualifications of highly qualified workers from third countries who can be recruited to the EU. In addition, the “European Learning Mobility Framework” will be updated in 2023 in order to further facilitate moving between different European education systems.

The EU Erasmus+ program plays a central role in achieving the EU’s objectives in the area of ​​educational mobility. Based on the principle of lifelong learning, Erasmus+ offers cross-border study visits, learning mobility for students in general and vocational education, internships for students and apprentices, teaching activities and further training for teachers, educators and general administrative staff in schools, universities and other educational institutions. In addition, youth exchange projects, youth work and measures in the field of sport are funded across Europe and, in some cases, beyond. With an EU budget of over €28 billion, which has almost doubled compared to the previous program, around ten million people should have the opportunity to participate in the program by 2027. From 2021 to 2027, Austria will receive around €683 million from the EU funding fund, reports the BMBWF.

Research: Horizon Europe enters its third year

A significant part of the Commission’s current biennial work program (2023-2024) is devoted to specific actions to support green and digital transitions, social and economic resilience and a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the BMBWF report, research and innovation is not directly addressed in the EU Commission’s 2023 work program, and there are no planned legislative initiatives either.

The EU research framework program “Horizon Europe” is entering its third year. In addition to the ongoing implementation, several reflection processes will be launched in 2023 with regard to possible adjustments to the current Framework Program and the orientation of the next Framework Programme. With regard to the acquisition of funds from “Horizon Europe”, Austria has recently managed to increase its share to 3.1% of the total allocated funds. Returns for Austria are therefore significantly higher than Austria’s contribution rate to the EU budget, according to the report by the Minister of Education and Science.

In the area of ​​the European Research Area (ERA), intensive work is being done at European and national level to implement the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024. In Austria, a national action plan with twelve specific initiatives was developed to implement major reforms and developments of the national ITN system in the European network as part of the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda, according to the report. Examples include the development of open science, reform of the system for evaluating and encouraging researchers, and valuing knowledge.

Eighteen-month program of the three EU Council Presidencies

In the field of education, the trio of presidencies from France, Czech Republic and Sweden also focuses on the implementation and development of the European educational space. This should be done, among other things, through cooperation within the Erasmus+ program and the European University Initiative, as well as by updating the skills agenda. The program also provides for the implementation of the updated action plan for digital education. Special attention will be given to the fundamental role of quality investment in education.

In the area of ​​research, the Presidency of the Council will focus on the implementation of the European Research Area, highlighting the contribution of research and innovation to overcoming societal and economic challenges and further developing the European panorama of research infrastructures .

The Swedish Presidency of the Council in the first half of 2023 wants to deal with several dossiers in the field of education. These are the conclusions on the European Education Area progress report, the conclusions on automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and the conclusions on skills, abilities and competences for the green transition. In the area of ​​research and innovation, the Swedish Presidency is focusing on the Council conclusions on “transparent, reliable and sustainable scientific publishing” and the declaration on “Access to research infrastructures and safe use of research data”. (close) sox