In a flurry of Bidens approval among Hispanics in the

In a flurry of Biden’s approval among Hispanics in the US

Less than half of Hispanic Americans, compared to a result from last year, told the pollsters they like Biden’s work amid the ongoing baby food shortage, border crisis, soaring inflation and fuel crisis.

According to a Quinnipiac University poll, three-fifths, or 60 percent, of Hispanics disagree with the president’s actions, while 26 percent agree and 13 percent said they didn’t know or had no opinion.

A similar poll conducted a year ago found that 55 percent of Hispanic voters — more than double the current figure — approved of Biden, while just 29 percent opposed him.

A retreat toward more conservative positions can be seen in the country’s largest minority, which makes up 18 percent of the population, as nearly half of registered Hispanic voters said they would like Republicans to take control of the Senate while the latter 36 percent said they expected Democrats to retain control of the chamber.

Likewise, 48 percent of this sector of voters want Republicans to win the House of Representatives once the election is underway, compared to just a third who want Democrats to remain in power.

The latest results come just ahead of November’s midterm elections as the Biden administration grapples with a series of crises that include the domestic economy and national security.

The poll, Zero Hedge said, also shows black Americans are losing confidence in government.

The 63 percent of black Americans polled who currently approve of the president are down year over year from 85 percent in 2021. In contrast, the 28 percent rejection rate has skyrocketed from 5 percent.

An April poll by the Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group shows most American voters, including nearly two-thirds of Hispanic voters, believe the Biden administration should close the southern border until a resolution is reached.
