In an unprecedented discovery scientists create the first hydrofuel

In an unprecedented discovery, scientists create the first ‘hydrofuel’

Modernity brought with it a major generational conflict sustainable energy, especially for cars and other vehicles. However, there are many efforts to create a substitute for petrol or natural gas, and it seems to be happening! That’s because scientists discovered it hydrofuel that could revolutionize the industry.

How does this “water fuel” work?

The discovery was made by scientists and researchers at the University of North Carolina in the United States. In this case, they developed silicon nanowires that made it possible to convert sunlight into electricity. From this conversion it would be possible to alter the water so that it is able to produce energy for the vehicle.

The scientists explain in more detail that the process succeeds in separating water into its two compounds, oxygen and hydrogen. Overall, this fuel has a much lower environmental impact than traditional fuels such as petrol, ethanol and natural gas. That’s already enough to attract attention worldwide.

However, the major challenge remains the improvement of nanowires to increase the energy capacity of this fuel. In addition, hydrogen still shows low efficiency to move vehicles with the intensity we need. There are even commercial hydrogen plant projects to meet the demand, but the costs are very high.

First water fuel in 50 years

Despite all the challenges, the waterbased fuel proposal attracted global attention and brought hope for a truly energetic matrix. After all, this is the first real success in 50 years of research into a truly waterbased fuel.

In addition, this is an entirely new study, as it bears no resemblance to previous reactors. Not to mention that this is the first time silicon has been used to make fuel. Finally, the positive results show that there are ways to solve the problem of energy demand as well as global warming.