In Fustao na Band Simone Mendes talks about the importance

In Fustão na Band, Simone Mendes talks about the importance of Gusttavo Lima in his solo career: "Me and…


The artist revealed what the conversation with the ambassador was like before the release of the new album

Photo 1: Reproduction/Instagram Simone  Photo 2: Reproduction/Instagram Gusttavo LimaPhoto 1: Reproduction/Instagram Simone Photo 2: Reproduction/Instagram Gusttavo Lima

After separating from her sister Simaria, Simone decided to follow what she knows best to do for her audience, singing. Beginning very doubtful about what to expect from the singer, Simone managed to hit impressive numbers like a meteor with her new album, which came with the hit “Erro Gostoso”, falling on people across Brazil in the mouth fell.

Even with the overwhelming success without her sister, Simone does not forget the support she had at the beginning, especially from her boyfriend Gusttavo Lima. On Faustão na Band, Simone reveals that the singer’s visibility was important to her as Gusttavo is considered by many to be number one in the country. “He invited me to take part in the show in Fortaleza when I was still figuring out all about the repertoire, how I was going to do it. He invited me into the dressing room to talk to him and told me a phrase that will forever be engraved,” he began.

> Playback/Instagram Simone Mendes

Previously, she revealed how the conversation was in the artist’s dressing room, who spoke strong words: “You are very special to me and if you need a day in this new phase of my back to be a stepping stone to your success, me will be here to give you my best,” Gusttavo told Simone.

But as mentioned above, Simone Mendes reached the top very quickly. Today, the hit “Erro Gostoso” ranks fourth in the country in the Spotify application, is one of the most reproduced songs and competes with other genres, showing that the singer may be right in this new beginning of her career.