In Land and Paixao Marino reveals the attack on Lucinda

In Land and Paixão, Marino reveals the attack on Lucinda: “Premeditated TV

Leandro Lima, Marino's interpreter in Terra e Paixão, will have dramatic scenes starting this Monday (8). The police chief will come across Lucinda (Débora Falabella), shot in the head, right in front of her house. After the paramedics help her, he begins to put the pieces together and is certain that Antônio (Tony Ramos) is responsible for the attack. “It was a premeditated crime,” he will say.

In Globo's nine o'clock soap opera, Nina (Kizi Vaz) sees the door of his car open and finds Lucinda lying covered in blood. She will call the ambulance and scream for help. The police officer and Angelina (Inez Viana) will come out and be shocked by the scene.

The inn's landlord offers to drive Marino's car, which follows the ambulance to the hospital. She will try to calm the investigator, who will go into a tailspin. Soon he will remember that Antônio promised to take revenge on him and will begin to unravel what happened.

Leandro Lima's character leaves the hospital like a brave cop and asks Nina to call when the doctors announce news about Lucinda's health. She undergoes immediate surgery to remove the bullet from her head.

Marino will break into the villa and put a gun in Antônio's face. The police chief is completely beside himself and will not come to blows because he is being disarmed by his police colleagues.

What happens to Lucinda?

When he returns to the hospital, he will cry a lot in front of his wife, who will be in a coma in the intensive care unit.

How could I not protect you from this barbaric crime, Lucinda? This is a punishment, my love, I know it is… I'm paying for covering up this monster's crimes for so long. I was the one who should lie in that bed… Lucinda, I would give my life for yours… You changed me, you introduced me to love, you gave my life meaning…

He will take her hand and continue talking desperately: “My God, let my wife live so that we can grow very old together… So that we can have many children and many grandchildren… You brought Lucinda to me, so please Don .”Don't take her away from me now!”

Terra e Paixão was written by Walcyr Carrasco and Thelma Guedes. The story takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The storyline will remain on air until January 19th and will be replaced by the remake of Renascer (1993).

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