In Land and Passion Agatha rejoices at Irenes pain in

In Land and Passion, Agatha rejoices at Irene’s pain in the cemetery: “Damn” TV news

In Land and Paixão, Agatha (Eliane Giardini) will pursue Irene (Gloria Pires) in the cemetery to encourage such a duel. She will catch her enemy crying at Daniel’s (Johnny Massaro) grave and uncover her plan. “I didn’t come back to this city for nothing. I will destroy your damn family one by one,” the exconvict will scream.

The scenes are scheduled to air at the end of next week, between Friday (3) and Saturday (4). At this point, Jonatas (Paulo Lessa) is shot in the spine while saving Aline’s (Barbara Reis) life. Everyone will know that Antônio (Tony Ramos) has hired a hired killer to get the widow out of the way.

The boy will spend almost two chapters between life and death. Once your clinical condition stabilizes, another bomb will go off. He will not be able to walk and is very shaken and depressed about his situation.

This will outrage Agatha. She will have an ugly fight with Antônio and throw truths in his face. In the fight with the “goose that lays the golden eggs” she will pursue Irene because she believes she is also to blame for the tragedy with Jonatas.

“Today I saw Danielzinho [Bryan Robert], my son. He is beautiful, strong and you can see that he is intelligent. When I look at him, I feel like I see you. Forgive me, Daniel. Forgive me for everything I have done! I’m tired of this whole thing. “Life lost its meaning after you died,” Irene will say in front of the grave.

She will then appear mentally unbalanced. “You couldn’t have left like that! Now, even though I know this boy is not my grandson, I need him to keep living. I want to raise this child as if he were your real son, to try to fulfill this.” Empty that you are gone, my love. To think that a part of you is here with me,” he will say.

Abrupt interruption

At that moment she is abruptly interrupted by Agatha. “Everyone makes mistakes however they want, Irene. In fact, your whole life is a series of mistakes, isn’t it? A husband who doesn’t love you, a daughter who has gone crazy because she lives in a dysfunctional family. And a son who died out of shame for his own mother…” says the exprisoner.

Irene will be angry with her rival. “I saw you entering the cemetery and decided to watch this melodramatic scene where the mother talks to her dead son up close…” the impostor sneers.

Gloria Pires’ character will tell her to get out of her way. “Who do you think you are, making fun of my pain? The pain of a mother, a role you never accepted,” the woman will scream. Agatha will speak:

Well, you made a big mistake precisely because you messed with my son. I know very well that the shot that hit Jonatas was on his and Antônio’s orders. And now my son is doomed to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. But it won’t stay that way. I didn’t return to this city for nothing. I’m going to destroy your damn family one by one.

Terra e Paixão is currently being written by Walcyr Carrasco and Thelma Guedes. The story takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The story will remain on air until January 19 next year and will be replaced by the remake of Renascer (1993).

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