In Montevideo they demand the resumption of the South American

In Montevideo they demand the resumption of the South American integration process

This was proclaimed in a statement from the Montevideo Colloquium on South American Integration, which led to a message to the Presidential “retreat” convened by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio da Silva for May 30 in Brasilia.

The statement said that this meeting “effectively initiates a process of reactivation of regional integration as a clear demonstration of commitment to the interests, social and environmental well-being and plural cultural leadership of our region’s societies.”

“We will wait for the results of the May 30 meeting. From now on, we will make our utmost effort to continue to collaborate in building a united, supportive, emancipated, proactive and empowered South America in the world,” the statement said.

The joint declaration assumes that social development and environmental protection should form the basis of the regional integration process.

“The new stage of regional integration must be based on the affirmation of peace, democracy, environmental protection and a just energy transition, social development and human rights as a pact for a peaceful and solidary coexistence of our political communities.”

This was agreed by the participants of the forum, including the former presidents of Colombia and Uruguay, Andrés Pastrana and José Mujica, as well as other personalities, including Argentina’s foreign minister, Santiago Cafiero.

Another consensus point was the need for the region to adopt a health self-sufficiency plan, agreements to facilitate orderly migration and an integrated program to address climate change. The text calls for the construction of road, railway and energy infrastructure works, as well as measures that promote cooperation between companies, in scientific cooperation and in technological development.

“We know that, when integrated, South American countries will be able to intervene with greater weight and capacity in defense of sustainable development,” the statement concluded.
