In Quebec the Conservatives are overtaking the Liberals in their

In Quebec, the Conservatives are overtaking the Liberals in their voting intentions

Justin Trudeau's Liberals continue to decline in the polls. A new poll shows the Conservatives are overtaking the Liberals in voting intentions in Quebec.

• Also read: Despite a slight decline, Poilievre remains at the top

• Also read: Pierre Poilievre visits Saguenay

• Also read: Poll: CAQ members prefer Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party over Bloc Québécois

Data from the new Léger/Canadian Press poll suggests the Conservatives would be eight points ahead of the Liberals in La Belle Province, while 29% would choose Pierre Poilievre's side, compared to 21% for the team by Justin Trudeau.

However, the Bloc Québécois remains in the lead with 32% of voting intentions.

This is a blow to the Liberals, as Quebec was previously the only province where citizens preferred Justin Trudeau to Pierre Poilievre.

Liberal reactions

However, Liberal MPs in the House of Commons hid their concerns about these figures, preferring to focus on the work they need to do.

“I don’t look at the polls,” said Liberal leader Steven Mackinnon. I look at the work I have to do today and we are determined to get results for Canadians.”

For his part, Canada's Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, François-Philippe Champagne, normalized the situation, saying that when citizens are concerned, “it is reflected in elected officials.”

“Of course we have to take that into account,” he continued, “but I think the best course of action is to stay the course.”

Public Services and Utilities Minister Jean-Yves Duclos has gone on the offensive by directly attacking the leader of the Conservative Party.

“We still have a lot of work to do, but when the time comes, I look forward to discussing with the people of my constituency whether we want a negative insult policy like Mr Poilievre's or whether we want to do things differently.”

Conservative advance elsewhere in the country

The conservative advance is much more pronounced elsewhere in the country.

According to the results of the same poll, in today's election, 41% of voters would vote for the Conservatives, while 25% of voters would vote for the Liberals.

Members of the New Democratic Party (NDP) would receive 18% of the voting intentions and the Bloc Québécois would claim 7%.

However, in principle the elections should not be scheduled before 2025 as the agreement between the NDP and the Liberal Party still applies.