03/23/2023 20:32 (act. 03/23/2023 20:32)
Sebastian Kurz was in St. Gallen. ©APA, Canva Pro
About 70 protesters gathered outside the Hotel Einstein in downtown St. Gallen, to protest against Sebastian Kurz.
Sebastian Kurz was being interviewed by HSG professor Christoph Frei as part of a closed “Club 2000” panel discussion when protesters appeared outside the hotel. “Club 2000” is a business club with around 500 male members.
“Anti-migrant” and “racist”
Protesters held up placards and chanted their chants, mostly directed against Kurz. They shouted: “Basti hangs out with fascists, that’s why we think you’re stupid”, writes “Tagblatt”. Kurz was on the second floor of the hotel at the time and could see and hear the protesters from his window. Additionally, a banner read, “Bass, Shut Up!”
In a press release, Antifa announced the demonstration and criticized Sebastian Kurz for his political views. Kurz himself, however, left the demo cold and only commented briefly on it. “20Minutes” quotes Kurz from a post: “You can do it, but in this life it won’t change my conviction that a restrictive migration policy is right and necessary.” And according to “St. Galler Tagblatt”, Sebastian Kurz got into a Porsche just before 10 pm and drove away. (VOL.AT)