In the backstage exchange CNN boss Chris Licht urged Donald

In the backstage exchange, CNN boss Chris Licht urged Donald Trump to “have a good conversation and have fun”.

CNN CEO Chris Licht encouraged former President Donald Trump to “have fun” in a backstage exchange before the start of Wednesday night’s televised citizens’ event.

According to several eyewitnesses present at the broadcast at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, Trump promised Licht to boost CNN’s ratings. Licht then reportedly nodded before telling him to “have a good conversation and have fun.” The guard.

Trump’s promise was fulfilled when the Republican frontrunner for the 2024 GOP nomination attracted 3.3 million viewers, securing the cable network’s highest ratings in the past two years.

In a tense 70-minute duel with Cooper’s CNN colleague Kaitlan Collins, Trump called Jan. 6 a “beautiful day,” declined to say whether he wanted Ukraine or Russia to win the war, and branded Collins “evil.” Person” for pressing him on the reasons It took him so long to recover secret documents from Mar-a-Lago.

Trump also chimed in, calling the 2020 election “rigged,” saying the end of Title 42 will be a “day of shame,” defending his January 6 actions, and offering his views on the war in Ukraine .

CNN CEO Chris Licht exchanged words with former President Donald Trump backstage, encouraging him to

CNN CEO Chris Licht exchanged words with former President Donald Trump backstage, encouraging him to “enjoy himself” ahead of his performance at City Hall.

In a tense 70-minute duel with Cooper's CNN colleague Kaitlan Collins, Trump called Jan. 6 a

In a tense 70-minute duel with Cooper’s CNN colleague Kaitlan Collins, Trump called Jan. 6 a “beautiful day,” wouldn’t say whether he wanted Ukraine or Russia to win the war, and branded Collins a “bad person.” “.

Trump later used his Truth Social to celebrate the

Trump later used his Truth Social to celebrate the “sky-high ratings” he had given, describing his performance as “sheer brilliance.”

Trump later used his Truth Social to celebrate the “sky-high ratings” he had given, describing his performance as “sheer brilliance.”

He wrote, “I think it was a very smart thing they did, with sky high ratings they haven’t seen in a long time.” It was easily the biggest show of the night, week and month! On Wednesday night, many changed their minds after hearing “Common Sense” and “Brilliance.”

Licht faced criticism from both CNN and outside the network for organizing the event, which saw Trump dominating proceedings.

The station’s media reporter, Oliver Darcy, wrote in his newsletter that it was “difficult to see how America has been served by the spectacle of lies that has been aired on CNN.”

As with almost everything Trump had to do, his appearance was in his own interest, which was to generate campaign footage that could be used on his social media

As with almost everything Trump had to do, his appearance was in his own interest, which was to generate campaign footage that could be used on his social media

CNN boss Chris Licht took over last year and vowed to cleanse the network of its bias.  He has been criticized for giving Trump a platform It was revealed Friday night that Darcy and his editor were invited to a meeting with Licht, who told him his coverage of Trump City Hall had been

CNN boss Chris Licht (left) took over last year and vowed to cleanse the network of its bias. He has been criticized for giving Trump a platform. It was revealed Friday night that Darcy and his editor were invited to a meeting with Licht, who told him his coverage of Trump City Hall had been “too emotional.”

It was revealed Friday night that Darcy, along with his editor, was invited to a meeting with Licht and other top executives, where they told him his coverage of Trump City Hall had been “too emotional” and stressed the importance of it be to remain dispassionate.

Some unnamed employees told media outlets including Rolling Stone that it was a “damn disgrace” because of their disgust with the light and the decision.

Despite the controversy, Licht defended his decision to host City Hall in an editorial meeting with his staff, stressing the importance of getting Trump’s answers, even if they didn’t please everyone.

Licht dismissed suggestions that moderator Kaitlan Collins had not vigorously challenged Trump’s claims about the “rigged” 2020 election.

“You don’t have to like the former president’s answers, but you can’t say we didn’t get them,” Licht said in an audio recording obtained by the New York Post as he presented the law to staff.

“While we might all have been uncomfortable hearing people clapping, it was also an important part of the story because the people in this audience represent a large part of America.”

“The mistake the media has made in the past is to ignore the existence of these people, just as you cannot ignore the existence of President Trump,” Licht said.

“I absolutely believe that what we did last night has served America very well.”

Licht also credited Collins’ efforts in attempting to vet the former president in real-time. “Kaitlan kept pressuring him and making headlines,” he explained.

Collins, the co-host of CNN This Morning, also supported Licht’s decision to host Trump Town Hall. She also acted temporarily as the presenter of the station’s 9 p.m. program on Thursday.

Describing the 70-minute town hall meeting as “an important turning point in the Republican Party’s search for its nominee,” Collins reminded viewers that Trump “is the GOP’s front runner right now,” despite being “criminally charged, civilly liable, and… was convicted”. [being] It’s under investigation for everything from handling classified documents to its business empire.’

Trump previously mentioned on his social media platform Truth Social that he agreed to the town hall because CNN offered him an irresistible deal. His campaign team essentially viewed the entire event as an hour-long Trump ad, reports The Guardian.

Anderson Cooper said remarks by Donald Trump during the Republican president's town hall meeting on Wednesday were

Anderson Cooper said remarks by Donald Trump during the Republican president’s town hall meeting on Wednesday were “disturbing” during Thursday night’s Anderson Cooper 360 event

Megyn Kelly slammed Kaitlan Collins as a

Cooper addressed many of Trump’s comments during the 70-minute confrontation with CNN colleague Kaitlan Collins and defended the channel’s decision to host him

Anderson Cooper said the comments Trump made during his CNN townhall were “disturbing” but also defended the network’s decision to give him a platform.

During the opening monologue of his CNN show Anderson Cooper 360 on Thursday, Cooper told viewers that Trump will not “go away” unless he listens to Trump.

“You have every right to be outraged and angry and never watch that station again, but do you think that if you stay in your silo and only listen to people you agree with, that person will go away?” he said .

Trump’s appearance on CNN — his first since 2016 — sparked a series of controversial moments that Cooper often dealt with directly.

“Many of you are upset that someone who was trying to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage in front of a crowd of Republican voters to answer questions and, as expected, continued to spit out lie after lie, and I understand. “It was unsettling,” Cooper began.

“A lot of you think CNN shouldn’t have given him a platform to talk, and I understand the anger about that — giving him the audience and the time, I understand,” he added.

“But that’s what I get too; “The man who saw and heard you so disturbed last night — this man is the front runner for the Republican nomination for president,” he said.

Cooper then lectured his viewers on the importance of keeping an open mind and listening to those they disagree with.

“If we all only listen to those with whom we agree, it could actually do the opposite.” [of making Trump go away]. If we allow lies to go unexamined, imperfect as our ability to examine them in real time is, even on stage, then those lies will continue and spread.”

He addressed various “troubling” moments at City Hall, including the moment Trump branded Collins a “bad person” for pushing Trump for answers.

He also noted a moment when Trump venomously called a black police officer involved in the Jan. 6 riots a “thug.”

“It was disturbing to see and hear this individual refer to a black police officer as a thug, an adjective he often used to describe black men, and to describe Kaitlan Collins, the presenter, as ‘nasty’, which he calls every woman .” “Who opposes him,” Cooper said.

Calling Jan. 6 a

Although he expressed his disgust for Donald Trump, Cooper pointed out that the likelihood of Trump being the next president is too great to ignore

Kelly said that Cooper's interview

Trump, 76, lost his temper on Collins, 31, as she pressed him on why he had kept documents secret at his Palm Beach home, calling her a “bad person”.

When Collins asked if the jury's decision in the E. Jean Carroll case would discourage women from voting for him, Trump replied,

When Collins asked if the jury’s decision in the E. Jean Carroll case would discourage women from voting for him, Trump replied, “No, I don’t think so.”

Cooper also noted the mostly Trump-friendly audience, who applauded many of Trump’s comments, including the way he mocked E. Jean Carroll just 24 hours after a jury found he had sexually abused her.

“It was definitely disturbing to hear the audience, young and old, our fellow citizens, people who love their children and go to church, laugh and applaud his lies and his continued defamation of a woman he, according to a jury of peers sexually abused and defamed,” Cooper said.

“That audience that upset you? That’s a sample of about half the country. They are your family, your neighbors and they vote and many said they would vote for him.”

Despite expressing his disgust for Trump, Cooper hinted that the likelihood of him returning to the White House is too great to ignore.

“According to polls, no other Republican is even close. “That man you were so upset by last night could be President of the United States in less than two years,” he said. ‘It can happen again, it will happen again.’ He hasn’t changed and is running hard.’

Cooper called many of Trump’s comments “disturbing”.

“It was disturbing to hear him speak so highly of the QAnon conspirators and insurgents who attacked police officers and our democracy on January 6th. And it was horrible to hear him spread ridiculous lies about the election,” he said.

Following Wednesday night’s explosive interview, figures including Joy Behar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez led the backlash at CNN, while AOC was furious that the network “should be ashamed”.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it was

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it was “a deeply irresponsible decision” by CNN to host the event

1683803563 587 CNN should be ashamed AOC and Joy Behar spark backlash 1683803566 668 CNN should be ashamed AOC and Joy Behar spark backlash 1683803570 912 CNN should be ashamed AOC and Joy Behar spark backlash

“I think it was a deeply irresponsible decision,” she told MSNBC of CNN hosting the event.

Ocasio-Cortez said on the TV network that CNN “puts a victim of sexual abuse at risk.”

Joy Behar, host of The View, tweeted, “The Cnn thing is a joke.” Audiences are blown away by his cult following. Kaitlin [sic] is good but impossible to deal with this pathological liar.’

But Trump’s supporters savored the anger he provoked.

“So proud of President Trump tonight, GREAT JOB!” tweeted Marjorie Taylor Greene, a member of the House of Representatives representing Georgia.

“He really shows everyone why he’s the president America needs.”

Taylor Greene praised him for appearing on CNN rather than his usual conservative channels.

Wednesday’s appearance marked the first time Trump had appeared on CNN in seven years.

“He’s doing a town hall with CNN, which has attacked him more than anyone,” Taylor Greene said.

“Biden doesn’t even want to talk, he can’t even talk to the press.”

“But President Trump loves this country and shows he’s ready to fight for it.”

Texas Congressman Lance Gooden said CNN was “the lion’s den” but Trump won the fight.

“Tonight President Trump went into the lion’s den and emerged victorious,” he said.