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In the next elections I will remember François Legault from 2023 –

François Legault doesn’t seem to be doing well these days.

When we see all these workers in our public sector repeatedly waving signs on the street, we can understand the climate that exists between a large part of the population and the Quebec government.

My impression is that many Quebecers in general can no longer tolerate being treated with arrogance by ministers or even their prime minister, especially when, for example, they are not even embarrassed to vote for more than significant salary increases.

I hope that in the next election we remember the damage that François Legault is currently inflicting on the people of Quebec.

For an informed choice

We won’t go to the polls right away, the next provincial election is scheduled for October 5, 2026.

So much can happen between now and then.

Maybe Mr. Legault can consolidate his voter base with further tax cuts, we don’t know.

The future can be so unpredictable that our Prime Minister could resign from office after a major scandal.

Maybe François Legault will even wake up one fine morning with a genuine desire to work hand in hand with the pillars of our public sector, but hey, I’m aware that maybe I’m dreaming too colorfully…

Regardless of what happens in the coming years, I think that by 2026 it will be crucial to remember how we personally felt under his administration in the fall of 2023 in order to make an informed decision at the election .

Far be it from me to cultivate unhealthy resentment, I just want to make sure I don’t forget it.