In the Philippines a girl spends a week with scissors

In the Philippines, a girl spends a week with scissors in her skull

A 9-year-old girl from the Philippines spent a week with scissors in her skull because her family didn’t have enough money to pay for the surgery, which totaled around $720.

“I am grateful to everyone who helped. We’re just poor, so I didn’t know where to find the money for the surgery. I’m so happy that everyone has donated money and prayed for Nicole,” said Rene Boy Raga, the little girl’s father, according to The Mirror on Monday.

On Sunday, 9-year-old Nicole Raga was finally able to have the surgery needed to remove the scissors stuck in her skull after her community pleaded for the payment of the 30,000 Philippine pesos, the equivalent of around US$720, and that was it had made his week-long ordeal.

The little girl was caught by the sharp object after tugging at a pencil with her brother before he hit her on the head with his backpack, which contained the scissors.

Luckily, the little one should make a full recovery, and according to her father, no damage to her brain was detected.

“It will return to normal very quickly. But she has to be careful. I think it’s important for parents to see what happened. Sharp objects such as scissors or knives must be kept away from children,” the latter pounded, according to British media.