In the style of “The Ambassador of India,” a “prince” consorted with Colombia’s “cream of the crop” and deceived thousands of people

The film “The Ambassador of India” is fondly remembered by Colombians. The film is set in 1962 and stars actor Hugo Gómez. It shows how a fraudster exploits hundreds of people to pose as India's ambassador to Colombia and indulge in a life of unprecedented luxury by “sucking” them all dry. People who consider him a very important diplomat who visited the city of Neiva and its surroundings in the Huila department.

In 1986 the film “The Ambassador of India” was released. The production, which over the years became one of the classic comedies of Colombian cinema, starred Hugo Gómez.

Now, in mid-2023, the story of Fereidoun Khalilian, a subject who took photos with the then mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, with military and police authorities, with the upper class of Medellín, He pretended to be a prince who, like the Indian ambassador in the film, was treated like a king.

“Prince Fred”, as he calls himself, is from Kuwait and the journalist portal El Armadillo reported how this man, taking advantage of the fact that he was born in the Persian Gulf, created profiles on social networks saying that he was an “Arabian prince”. He also posted a still-valid release on LinkedIn stating that he was “'MONSTER', the second largest shareholder (worldwide and previously president and chief operating officer).” Also Entertainment agent and CEO of Hollywood Productions and Universal Entertainment /pPresident of cryptocurrency technology company Blockchain.”

According to reports, Fereidoun Khalilian exploited, defrauded many people and made a huge fortune; He became rich and then began spreading his tentacles into several countries. According to the aforementioned medium, it was the Los Angeles Times that revealed it for the first time in July 2023, when it published a story in the best style of “Tales of the Brothers Grimm”. On this occasion, American media reported that the so-called prince had contacted film director Juan Esco so that he could make a documentary about his ostentatious life of luxury. However, he was not aware that the filmmaker was conducting an investigation to find out more about the protagonist of his documentary and discovered that he had been imprisoned in the United States for fraud, threatening people and sexually assaulting several women.

When the “Prince” saw that the documentary would not turn out as he had imagined, he ordered his bodyguard to murder the filmmaker. What Fereidoun Khalilian also didn't expect was for his escort to disagree and tell the filmmaker what was going on. Like a story in Grimm's Fairy Tales, they pretended the job was done, made a scene, faked the murder, and left the supposed prince alone. His companion, in turn, recorded him and collected material to obtain evidence and bring him to trial in the United States. As a result of these events, the individual was arrested in Las Vegas (USA) on June 22, 2023 and is awaiting trial in Nevada. If found guilty, he faces 30 years in prison.

Well, this “prince” was traveling through Medellín. “His photos and videos show him behind the wheel of a Range Rover, a Mercedes-Benz convertible and a Cadillac Escalade. He appears at banquets in some of the city's most expensive restaurants. He is accompanied by the police, meets with former mayor Daniel Quintero and appears with General Juan Carlos Fajardo, commander of the Army's IV Brigade. He was also in Bogotá on May 9th. “He attended General Santander’s cadet school for the transfer of command, where General William René Salamanca took over general leadership of the Colombian police,” El Armadillo reported.

According to the aforementioned portal, from December 2021 until his capture, he socialized with the upper class of Medellín, including the now former mayor Quintero, and with businessmen; He lived in the most exclusive areas of the capital of Antioquia and had the luxury of attending and embracing the high leadership of the police in Colombia. In fact, he became the partner of a renowned model. “Fereidoun Khalilian's first Instagram post in Medellín was on December 28, 2021. It is a series of videos in different restaurants and he is accompanied by his girlfriend Andrea Aguilera Arroyave, a model, television presenter and beauty queen, who met her the same year won the Miss World Colombia competition. Since that day, the Prince and Queen have documented their life in Colombia almost daily on social media. Khalilian talked about investments and business while showing off his cars, his parties, his apartment, and his visits to restaurants and nightclubs. Also their access to people with power,” El Armadillo said.

Pictures of Fereidoun Khalilian in Medellín:

The images presented by this portal show how the police in Medellín made room for him on the street, took photos with him and took care of him. The aforementioned media asked the institution why it should do this, and the answer was that it was “preventive, extraordinary and temporary support.” In another section, the police explained that they protected him because allegedly the “prince” organized parties for charity and the institution took care of him out of gratitude. As for the photos with uniformed men and Quintero, the media reports that those involved pointed out that it is very difficult for a public figure to know who the individual people with whom they took photos are.

Photo published on Instagram by model Andrea Aguilera Arroyave | Photo: Photo of model Andrea Aguilera Arroyave published on Instagram

The above-mentioned portal reports in its report that despite the institutions' claims that the meetings were coincidental, relations were absolutely close. Hundreds of photos of the “Prince” were published as social media stories Fereidoun Khalilian, for his Colombian partner, The model Andrea Aguilera Arroyave makes it clear that the police were almost always with them, they looked after them, they protected them, they gave them free passage on the streets.

Regardless of the reasons given by the parties, the issue remained behind bars in the United States due to the story published in the press there.