In the US Trump39s election will be controversial in the

In the US, Trump's election will be controversial in the ballot box and in the courts Check

This provision, which has rarely been enforced in the past, bars those involved in insurrections from holding federal office. Since the decision currently only applies to the Republican primary in Colorado and was decided by a narrow margin of 43, it can still be appealed. She is even awaiting the outcome of an appeal filed by the Trump campaign with higher judicial authorities.

The fact is that such a development could make the already complicated 2024 election even more complex and change the dynamics between the political and legal systems. Regardless of the outcome, this decision has already served to strengthen Trumpist bases. In some ways, it helps reinforce Trump's narrative that he is a systematic victim of the system. As usual, Trump is trying to use the situation to his advantage: he claims that he is being persecuted by the country's political elites and is trying to strengthen his support among the population.

The consequences of all this are devastating. The legalization of elections threatens democracies in at least three ways. First, it reduces public trust in the electoral process as voters may question the legitimacy of the elections and become skeptical of this regime. Second, it increases political polarization and creates an environment of constant conflict between different ideological groups. Third, it threatens the independence of electoral bodies as judicial decisions may be seen as influenced by political agendas rather than based on law and justice.

For now, we only know one thing: the 2024 elections in the United States will be endless and there will not be an easy day in America.