Increase your chances of hunting deer

Increase your chances of hunting deer

Elk hunting season is over in some places, but already beginning in others. The deer, for their part, will keep us dreaming until the end of November.

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I recently had a conversation with experienced hunter François Labelle from the boutique Le Coureur des Bois in Mont-Laurier. The latter explained to me certain points that can really help the Nimrods achieve their goals. Here is the gist of what he said.

The king of the forest

According to Mr. Labelle, the largest deer will still be receptive to the scents of female elk or mares in heat until October 10th and 12th. He will travel the hinterland to try to locate Sleeping Beauty who would be willing to act. Consequently, adult males will be much less interested on an olfactory level, except near the peaks where the spell can still work. The expert pours the urine directly onto his hat so that the aroma spreads upwards and not to ground level.

“After October 12, it is more common to make male calls in the middle of the forest or in the mountains and use a plume of feathers rubbed on the branches than to bet everything on sexual attraction.” He will feel more confident and maybe even be prepared to confront you,” specifies the specialist.

When moving in the forest, according to François, it is important never to cross a path used by these large mammals, otherwise they will change sector completely after one or two times.

“When you find fresh soil, it’s like you’ve just found a lottery ticket. Step into the background and provoke him. The action shouldn’t take long,” assures the experienced hunter.

The Prince of the Forest

When it comes to odors, use an eliminator like NokOut to eliminate odors of all kinds. For his part, Mr. Labelle pours a few drops of fir, spruce or earth on his clothes to hide any traces of smell.

“In 2023, if you do not feed the deer to cause some traffic with females in your territory, the deer will move to neighboring areas where food is plentiful. It’s so stupid and boring, but it’s “reality,” explains the owner of a specialty store. “To increase the attractiveness and flavor of the buffet of carrots, apples or corn that we present to them, we add Chestnut, a chestnut powder. We also refine the food with molasses, powder or jelly made from bananas or apples with minerals. These products sink into the ground so much that deer even eat the leaves when there is no food left,” adds François.

It would be in your best interest to position your vantage point or vantage point 250 to 300 feet from your bait site. The animals must not notice your arrival or departure, otherwise there is a risk that they will scare and drive away the bucks in daylight.

Feel free to fake scratches and pour synthetic male urine on them.

Make your smells disappear with earthy aromas so they go unnoticed. Furthermore, we can never say enough that we should not try to cheat the wind. You must always move in front of it or it will pass on your scent to elk and deer in the area.

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