Incredible satellite image records historic snowfall in Europe

Incredible satellite image records historic snowfall in Europe

Southern Germany was hit at the weekend by the strongest snowstorm since measurements began in December. In the city of Munich, which was virtually paralyzed, snow accumulation reached 44 centimeters as traffic stopped, events were postponed and impressive scenes of streets covered in snowdrifts emerged.



An incredible image of the effects of snow has been captured by the Copernicus system’s Sentinel3 satellite. Yesterday’s picture shows the first heavy snowfall of the winter season in Italy, Germany, Austria and other parts of Europe.

Munich Airport is once again suspending arrivals and departures this Tuesday morning. From the airport’s usual opening at 6 a.m. local time, there will be no takeoffs or landings until midday Tuesday, the transportation hub announced late today.

“The reason for this is the predicted freezing rain overnight from Monday to Tuesday, which will probably make safe flight operations impossible in the morning,” the airport said in a statement. The ground staff at Germany’s second largest airport would use the morning to deice the runway.

“However, it can be assumed that most flights will have to be canceled for the rest of the day for safety reasons,” the airport said. The airport advised passengers to contact their airline before traveling.

Munich airport was already closed on Saturday as snow swept across southern Germany, paralyzing rail traffic in the Bavarian capital and elsewhere in the region. Rail services resumed on Monday, although cold weather continued to cause disruption to SBahn services in Munich, according to local media.

According to a statement from Deutsche Bahn, traffic at the city’s main train station remained “very limited” on Monday, with only a few longdistance trains arriving or departing.

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