India All workers freed from collapsed tunnel SALZBURG24.649

India: All workers freed from collapsed tunnel SALZBURG24

Breathe a sigh of relief

The men are doing well under the circumstances

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In India, all workers trapped in a tunnel after a collapse were freed from the mountain on Tuesday. The men are fine under the circumstances.

In India’s tunnel drama, all trapped workers were freed from the mountain. On Tuesday night (local time), emergency teams pulled them out on rollable stretchers through a 3-foot-wide pipe that had previously been laboriously drilled into the rubble. The men are safe under the circumstances, a civil protection official said on Tuesday. Ambulances were supposed to take workers to a clinic for a health check.

Setbacks during rescue work in tunnels in India

The rescue work was marked by many setbacks. Specialized miners, together with the army, finally overcame the last few meters of rubble by hand, using the smallest of devices – in the end, all the big machines failed. At the same time, extreme care was required to avoid causing further collapses, for example due to vibrations during drilling.

Tunnel partially collapsed after landslide

The 4.5-kilometer-long road tunnel currently under construction partially collapsed on November 12, following a landslide. Workers were trapped behind tons of rock about 200 meters from the entrance. The crash site is near the small town of Uttarkashi in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, a popular tourist region with many Hindu temples. The tunnel was intended to improve transport connections there.

(Source: APA)

Accessed November 29, 2023 at 12:11 pm from