Influencers praise the conditions of the cheap fashion factory

Influencers praise the conditions of the cheap fashion factory

After visiting a factory for the fast fashion brand Shein, influencers praised the working conditions there. For this they reap a shitstorm.

Shein is one of the most sought after fashion brands in the world. The Chinese fast fashion brand launches the latest trends at low prices in no time. Accusations are repeatedly leveled against the fashion giant for bargain-priced fashion.

According to human rights organizations, working conditions are particularly bad and the effects on the environment caused by the production of cheap clothes are fatal. Not everything is true – say some influencers who recently visited a factory in China. Now there are many criticisms of this.

Video deleted by influencer

Several lifestyle influencers were invited by Shein to visit Shein’s “Innovation Factory” in China, where, among other things, clothing samples are made. In a video currently circulating on TikTok, content creator Dani DMC praises that she is impressed with the working conditions. She also spoke to the women who worked at the factory: “They were very surprised by the rumors that were being spread.” But after she received a shitstorm, the influencer deleted her video. But the clip is still widely shared.

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“They didn’t even sweat”

The duo of content creators Destene and Brandon also have nothing but praise for the cheap fashion giant Shein: “I imagined that countless people toil in slave conditions, but most of the processes are controlled by robots”. According to the influencer, employees are satisfied: “Most work from 8 am to 6 pm and only have 10 to 15 minutes to get to work”. And he adds: “Calm down, they didn’t even sweat. It was us who sweated”.

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“RP Factory”

Excitement around Shein’s positive portrayal is high on social media. “They only showed what they wanted to show”, many users are sure. One commented: “That’s sick.” Most users accuse influencers of naivety: “It’s just the research and innovation hub. Of course it looks good.” Commentators demand: “Show us the other factories!”

One user tweeted: “Shein sends influencers to China for a PR factory with immaculate conditions, where workers have fun while they sew and the company says it pays competitive wages. Don’t laugh!”

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conditions contrary to human rights

The Chinese brand has long been criticized for its working conditions and the way it produces clothes. Greenpeace research showed that Shein’s clothes exceeded the EU limit for toxins by up to 68,500 percent.

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According to an undercover investigation by British broadcaster Channel 4, working conditions are also precarious. According to the documentary, employees have to work up to 18 hours a day and have only one day off per month. Shein employees have to produce 500 pieces of clothing a day and receive just under 500 euros a month.

Cro navigation account, time 20 minutes2023.06.28, 19:28| Act: 06/28/2023, 7:28 pm