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Initiated world of underwater photography

Havana.- THE 19TH The Varadero 2023 World Underwater Photography Championship opened today in the presence of representatives from 20 nations.

The competition is scheduled until October 14 and also includes the fifth video edition of this modality (CMAS).

“The colorful inauguration included a parade of participants along the avenues of the resort town and a solemn ceremony at the Varadero International Hotel,” he said from headquarters BLOW Luis López Bermúdez, Indian methodologist.

“Today we also had the accreditation of the participants and this Tuesday will be the day of recognition of the places where the photos and videos will be taken,” he confirmed.

Photographers from Belgium, Spain, Turkey, the Netherlands, Japan, Portugal, Argentina, Kuwait, Slovenia, Germany, Chile, Ghana, France, Italy, Brazil, Croatia, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Cuba are present.

The national team consists of captain Carlos Otero from Havana, Fabián Álvarez from Camagüey and Julio Ruiz from Matanzas, as well as two models.

The competition is organized by the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) with support from travel agency Ecotur and technical support from Marlins Marina.

According to experts, it is one of the most important meetings in the sector, held since 1940 and supplemented by video evidence since 2010.