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Injured in Russian attack on fire station news

According to the Kiev government, a Russian missile attack in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine today hit a fire station. At least eight firefighters were injured, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said on Telegram. Images from the news portal showed a destroyed building and damaged emergency vehicles. The attack was on the city of Izjum.

According to the Ukrainian military, Russia attacked the south of the country with drones. Five of six drones destined for the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions were intercepted, a military spokeswoman said. The fifth hit an infrastructure installation. There were no victims. There was initially no comment from Russia.

Moscow: Attack on Kursk nuclear power plant repelled

According to Russian information, a drone attack was reported against a nuclear power plant in the Kursk region, which borders Ukraine. The Moscow Defense Ministry accused Kiev of attempted “terrorist attacks” against objects in the Russian Federation. Russian nuclear power plant operator Rosenergoatom confirmed that there were three “enemy drone strikes” against the Kursk nuclear power plant the previous night.

Authorities in the Kursk region have repeatedly complained about bombings coming from the neighboring country, where Russia is waging a war of aggression. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin has repeatedly accused Ukraine of attacking energy infrastructure, including nuclear facilities.

Since last fall, Putin has repeatedly caused Ukraine’s energy infrastructure to be destroyed by Russian bombings. The comparatively low damage in Russia caused by Ukrainian counterattacks is disproportionate to the severe destruction and high damage in the country attacked by Moscow. There is no official confirmation of the information.