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How booming is that of producers, publishers and media with a blessed progressive label. As if authentic art should adhere to ideological slogans and political correctness to see the light. Requirements of the new Pacatos, but also tough times. The old ones were disgusting, but the current ones are recovering their essences.

Francoism’s Spain smelled of dandruff and its level of repression was nauseating. There was the tramp and thug law, the obligatory certificate of good conduct, the regulatory court. Also nun-Kuril-souled vice inspectors who tracked down heretics decreed what we couldn’t see or hear, thought policemen devoted heart and soul to censorship to sniff out the sin lurking in the things they considered judged subversively. . And to give the populace the glow with the warning given to children. In other words, this is not done, this is not said, this is not thought. Censorship was exercised chiefly by idiots with an indefatigable capacity for mental masturbation, obsessed with the pursuit of sin. And he also had to lend a hand in tracking down the evil, the female section of the Falange. Now the importance of this race has fluctuated, but I imagine that all censors have a guaranteed salary and that they will adapt at any time to the power that is imposed.

I recall without nostalgia my youthful hitchhiking trips to the south of France to see the cinema that was banned here and buy books that carried the stigma. And then you felt free for a moment. But where now? The monster has gone global. The Roald Dahl books have been reissued with changes and corrections. And they want to put transcendent films like The Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind under lock and key. There were also attempts to remove Picasso’s works from museums. For their abusive or perverted behavior towards their partners. Witch hunts are universal. And it seems that it will take a long time. But the Inquisition will always have a lot of work to do, even with changes in power. You are the same as always. And how pathetic and harrowing self-censorship can be in the name of surviving ghosts who thought they were free.

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